jueves, 13 de febrero de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernandez

Thank you very much

You cannot say you are a follower of Jesus if your life does not show the gratitude that always characterised the Master.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2018 11:00 h
Karoly Takacs won the gold medal. / curiouspoint.com

To be grateful is one of the most beautiful things in life. A grateful person can change any adverse situation.

The Hungarian, TAKACS, lost his right hand during World War II but, far from being discouraged, he participated in the Olympic Games celebrated in London in 1948. He participated in the event of target shooting, using only his left hand. He won the gold medal!

To be grateful is much more than a momentary expression of thanksgiving. It is a way of life! The Bible speaks to us on several occasions about the importance of being grateful, firstly to God, and secondly, to everybody else.

You cannot say you are a follower of Jesus if your life does not show the gratitude that always characterised the Master.

God has given us many more things than we could ever remember in our entire lives. However, we do not always know how to show our gratitude for everything he does for us. We have not learnt what thanksgiving and a 'sacrifice of praise' actually mean.

The first refers to the continuous attitude of knowing oneself inferior to God and undeserving of his love. The second refers to the glorious opportunity that we have to rejoice in God, whatever happens.

Yes, sometimes it is easy to be grateful when everything is going fine; but then it is difficult when bad things knock on our door.

However, anyone who has learnt to be grateful, is grateful all the time. In any situation that person finds a reason to give thanks, whatever difficulty he may be going through.

The life of a child of God turns around this word: gratitude. It is something that we must not forget because the heart that forgets, loves less.

Our gratitude to God can also be seen in our attitude towards the people who surround us. One of our most common sins is not to know how to be grateful for what someone has done for us.

None of us would have been anyone had it not been for someone else's help. And yet, we hardly give thanks to those who have helped us! It might even seem as if it were their duty to serve us.

Take a daily walk around the park of gratitude. Be grateful to God for the lives of the people around you, and tell them too! Be a grateful person.




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