jueves, 27 de febrero de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernandez


God expects us to be faithful to him.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 10 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2017 08:00 h
David Robinson. / Wikimedia Commons

Only four players in NBA history have made what's called a "double four"; that is, more than ten units in some aspect of the game (rebounds, points, assists, etc.) in the same game.

DAVID ROBINSON was the latest. One of the most outstanding things about him is that he has always been with the same team, the SAN ANTONIO SPURS, though many have wanted to headhunt this famous captain.

In the sports world, players who remain loyal to their club are well liked. Faithful people are also very sought-after in life. God himself says, "What a man desires is unfailing love."

No friend is as dear as he who is always faithful. No family member helps us more than the one who's there when the going gets tough. No church is more united than the one full of faithful, loving members. No Christian is more victorious than he who is faithful to God all through life. Loyalty is priceless.

Today we read about Mephibosheth and David. Mephibosheth was a poor man, crippled in both feet, who owed his life to David. He was a loyal friend, but his servant wasn't. When David returned from exile, and was crowned king, Mephibosheth's servant deceived David and slandered his master (16:1).

Unfortunately, David distrusted his friend and took away his property, giving it to the deceitful servant. But when he met up with Mephibosheth again, he realised his mistake. Mephibosheth met him with open arms; he'd never stopped being a faithful friend! (19:26ff)

Mephibosheth said, "All that matters is that you're here, David; you are better than material things!" Loyalty is priceless.

What about us? God expects us to be faithful to him; He wants that more than any sacrifices we might make for him, more than money, goods or words. Nothing touches a father's heart like a faithful, obedient child.




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