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Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernandez

The strongest

God has promised to be with you, whether things go well or badly.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 26 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2017 18:00 h
Michael Chang. / Wikimedia Commons

The youngest person to ever win the Roland Garros tennis tournament was MICHAEL CHANG, an American of Asian extraction. He beat IVAN LENDL (number one at the time) in the five sets of the final.

The last set was very tough, due to tiredness and the strength of his opponent. Michael later said it was thanks to God that he had won; he'd spent the whole match praying for help.

Sometimes we go through tough situations and feel powerless to go on. Sometimes we feel like giving up because our opponent is too strong for us. Sometimes we think that's the best thing to do.

Our lives are often full of sadness, failure and rejection, as if the God in whom we trust had no power. We haven't learned the true meaning of today's verse. The literal translation is: "I have strength enough for anything because Christ gives me power."

Don't you realise that when you feel defeated, in a way you're displeasing God? If you have strength enough for anything, why do you doubt? God ensures a triumphant life, full of power and founded on the only One who can sustain us: Jesus. Why? Because of what you are? NO! Because of who he is.

How can I be dead if he is alive? How can I live in defeat if he is the conqueror? How can anyone bring me down if he lifts me up to heaven? So often we let the Devil crush us with silly things, and we think it's time to give up!

How often we believe God's promises only intellectually, and live as if God hadn't time to look after us! Nobody ever got an engaged tone when they tried to talk to God.

God has promised to be with you, whether things go well or badly. God has promised to look after you for ever. Paul learned this: "I have strength enough for anything because Christ gives me power." The challenge is to be a true channel of God's power, which conquers ALL.




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