How to build an Emergent Church in 30 easy steps.
What are the key differences between the three main schools of eschatological thought?
A brief genealogy of Theological Liberalism.
Seven theological differences between Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Karl Barth.
There is a Catholic understanding of justification just as there is a Protestant view. These two perspectives are mutually exclusive.
Issues of social justice are discussed at the Annual Gathering of the Baptist World Alliance. The meeting is hosted on July 4-9 in Vancouver.
Don’t let your homiletical skill get ahead of biblical and theological awareness. People will praise a public speaker, but they need a preacher who is biblically and theologically healthy.
The week-long course was made up of twenty-one sessions which were delivered by Leonardo De Chirico, Gregg Allison, Greg Pritchard and Mike Reeves. “This week has been something of a dream come true.”
There is “a real appetite for the Bible and for training to communicate it more effectively”, believes Peter Mead.
A look at 10 of the most dangerous heresies in the history of the Church.
Meletis Meletiadis, President of the Synod of the Greek Evangelical Churches, analyses the Orthodox Council in Crete (Greece).
In 1961, the preparation for a historical “Holy and Great” council was started. It was to be the Eighth Church Council. However, issues of faith lost out to issues of politics.
Was Tony Palmer right when he declared that Luther’s protest is over?
Wll Graham's praise report from Spain.
Italian pastor Giovanni Traettino believes “the Word of God is moving and acting in the Catholic Church.” The Pentecostal leader encourages other churches to have an “open” approach to the Vatican. “Pope Francis is my brother in Christ”, he says in an interview with Evangelical Focus.
“We need to develop in young leaders the ability to recognize and nurture a calling of God into the ministry, even amidst career options that are much more lucrative”, says Dr. Steve Patty after conducting a wide-ranging study.
An analysis of the 1541 Colloquy of Regensburg.
Any accommodation to the idea that we are ultimately capable of saving ourselves, any accommodation to the fact that salvation is not God’s gift from beginning to end is a slippery slope towards a false gospel.
Should we talk about the ‘Protestant Reformation’ or the ‘Protestant Reformations’?
Some of the ways that evangelical organisations are taking up the global challenge of implementing creation care as a mission task.
A closer look at Heinrich Bullinger, Theodore Beza, Thomas Cranmer, William Perkins and Conrad Grebel.
A closer look at Philip Melanchthon, Matthias Flacius, Martin Bucer, John Knox and William Farel.
How Protestantism recovered the soul-enriching doctrine of double imputation.
Scorsese and Schrader’s film revolves around the search for redemption in figures such as Travis, who are buried in an urban inferno, constantly fighting to free themselves of their sins.
Four reasons why Theology is so important.
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