Most of the time most of us remain blissfully unaware of riches with which we have not yet engaged.
The traditional theological structure was geared to give Yes or No answers. The post-Vatican II structure is more inclined to suggest Both-And types of answer on all kinds of issues.
The forgotten doctrine of the fear of God.
Spanish group Evangelicals in Economy and Business organises conference for business leaders. Meeting regularly with fellow believers is “vitally important”, says experienced businessman Peter Briscoe.
A closer look at the sufficiency, clarity, authority and necessity of Scripture.
Both content and form speak of the divine heart beating on every page of the Bible.
A closer look at Romans 10:6-8.
John Piper: “Donald Trump’s immoral behavior in the past, and his ongoing unwillingness to renounce it as evil, show that he is morally unfit to lead our nation.”
If you are telling David’s story with Goliath, much better to have a stone in your hand than to be wearing authentic shepherding garb from 1000BC.
“Resources are getting scarcer and no doubt the local churches and its members will have to take on a heavier financial responsibility in the future”, explains Parish pastor Haakon Kessel.
The fact of Jesus’ death for us is an objective truth that should grip us and reassure us. Was I wanted? Most definitely, yes. The cross has proven that!
Protestants find it difficult to come to terms with this Marian dogma. This is due to not finding even a hint of evidence for this belief in the Bible.
“Church planting is a business here”, Dan Huffstutler, director of East Africa Baptist School of Theology, denounces.
Representatives of 11 countries met in the Czech Republic to discuss the present and future of theological education in Central and Eastern Europe.
If we could all just affirm that everybody worships the same God, would there be much more peace in the world? Dr. Andy Bannister, Director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity gives answers.
The study shows that the growing churches “held more firmly to the traditional beliefs of Christianity and were more diligent in things like prayer and Bible reading."
Four Differences between Justification and Sanctification.
We should be more careful when pointing to the evangelical churches of Colombia as the promoters of the “no”.
“The aim of the JDDJ is to find commonalities, not differences. But with that comes a lopsided methodology that obscures those differences”, says theologian Michael Reeves.
Because of the paradoxical relationship between God’s freedom and human freedom, Christians need a robust “theology of surprise”.
Many celebrate #ReformationDay worldwide. Martin Luther was not aware of how his 95 theses would change Germany and the rest of Europe.
Just how well do you know the Wittenberg Reformer, Martin Luther?
“The issues that gave birth to the Reformation five hundred years ago are still very much alive in the twenty-first century for the whole church”, says a document published ahead of the 500th anniversary. More than 50 evangelical leaders have signed it.
How can we work towards a new Reformation?
Where is the Roman church headed After Vatican II? An interview with Leonardo de Chirico.
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