Do we give to much importance to emotions in Evangelical praise, preaching and theology?
The author died on Sunday, March 6th. He was 86 years old. “Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace.”
We ask David Randall about his decision to leave the Church of Scotland after 40 years of faithful service and about his new book ‘A Sad Departure’.
Pastor Peter Mead (UK) explains how understanding the Trinity has implications on how we understand the character of God.
The heart of Charles Spurgeon's theology summed up in ten points.
Studying nature cannot be left to scientists alone. What is required for wisdom is not only the detached rational enquiry of science but also the immersed, meditative contemplation of artists and poets.
An interview with Dr. R. Scott Clark.
Lloyd Jones was persuaded that both theology and passion had to walk hand in hand. A preacher needs both. This, of course, was the primitive biblical pattern.
If God were against homosexuality, what would He have to say in the Bible to prove to you that He really was?
It is hard to imagine but since the 1960s the Church almost entirely practiced this tradition.
The Executive Director of John MacArthur’s “Grace to You” ministry severely criticised Evangelical Focus. Director Pedro Tarquis responded by saying that the information was “rigorous and adequate”.
The ‘prophet’ managed to get up to the church’s platform and accused MacArthur saying: “You have grieved the Holy Spirit of God. Your doctrine of cessationism is an error.”
“Accepting what the scientists are saying about climate change and understanding that other species have value to God, is a threat to our greedy lifestyles”, thinks David Bookless, member of environmental care NGO A Rocha.
Can Christians ignore the care for creation? Does the Bible have a clear perspective on how we should live? Member of "A Rocha" David Bookless answers several questions and challenges Christians to make a real impact in several areas.
Christian businessmen tell the BBC how their Christian faith affects important decisions. “Values are passed down.”
The video sure gets a lot of tears flowing; but that doesn’t make it theologically accurate.
Following the publication of Pope Francis´ encyclical “Laudato Si”, Christian experts Miguel Wickham and Antonio Cruz analyse the current debate from an evangelical perspective.
The Swiss giant still commands enough respect to be taken seriously both within and without the walls of the academic community (certainly here, at least, in Continental Europe).
Would it make any sense to live out a biblical faith today in 2015 knowing that Jesus did not really rise?
Catholics believe that Mary is the Mother of the Church. Firstly, she gave birth to Jesus; and secondly, because of John 19:27.
The theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer can tell us much about how Christians should care for the environment, says Dutch researcher Steven Van den Heuvel in his doctoral thesis.
We summarize some of the ideas shared by theologian José de Segovia, in Spain’s conference Forum GBU. About 500 Evangelicals reflected on how the gospel connects to social areas like Work, Politics, Finance, Education and Arts.
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