I hope we would agree that worship is more than song-singing. Actually, worship is about revelation of God and response to God.
Western agencies must reskill to become effective intercultural facilitators, connecting people, skills, and resources behind Majority World strategies for mission.
Salwan Momika was at the centre of an international controversy in 2023 with Islamic countries calling for limits on free speech in Sweden. “Islamists often play according to other rules”, laments Olof Edsinger of the Evangelical Alliance.
There are reports of a renewal in church youth work from all over Scandinavia. What could Jesus contribute as an influencer in this context?
“Jesus gave us wisdom and understanding, so all the glory to Him”, said the Dominican singer when he received the award for best album.
The type of family that has grown the most is that made up of a single parent with one or more children.
Advertising accounts for only 20% of our annual budget. We are looking for kingdom-minded partners who want to see ‘Evangelical Focus’ thrive.
According to a recent report, 56% of German Christians donate. They are also more involved in voluntary work than average.
All the books in the world would not be enough to write about the blessings we have received from God.
Christians who trust in the lordship of Jesus Christ do not have a strong political influence. But what we do have, and probably underestimate, is a hope for the future of Europe.
For the most part, when the word ‘love’ is used in the West today, it refers to a feeling, and in many cases the feeling that can be described as ‘falling in love’.
Once you start to journal your blessings it becomes not only easier to spot them, but easier to get into the practice of thanking God for them.
The care of the children is integral, looking after each child “academically, physically, psychologically and spiritually”. Donations from evangelical churches, individuals and organisations can make the new project possible.
Young people are emigrating, housing prices continue to rise and the health system is overburdened as the country awaits the formation of a new government, says an evangelical leader.
Christianity appeared attractive in the eyes of many pagan women – regardless of social class. A large number of ‘secondary’ conversions took place, as the husbands of converted women often chose the same path as their wives.
When the problems are perceived as structural rather than individual, it is difficult to assign responsibility.
The new official document “broadens its classical understanding” to “include” new kinds of couples while maintaining “the perennial teaching on marriage”.
In a world of people trying to find themselves, make themselves, and often, fake themselves, we have a God who is not holding back on speaking his blessing over us.
The ‘Being Black in the EU’ survey shows that the cases of racial discrimination increased from 39% to 45% in 5 years. Only 9% are reported.
Listen to the interview with the new chairman of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, elected at the global congress held in Madrid in October 2023.
The new chairman of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, Dominic Yeo from Singapore, spoke to Evangelical Focus. “We have to expect discipleship happening in our churches, and the next generation becoming church planters”.
After her conversion, Grammy nominee Nadia Lopez spreads the message of Jesus through art.
Regardless of the resourcing systems we use, the foundation on which we build must always be faith. An article by Kirst Rievan.
The contrast of the Old Testament’s Cherem wars with the Quran’s ideology of Jihad is striking. This will help understand the current debate in Sweden – and elsewhere.
Christians are against desecrating holy books, says Olof Edsinger, leader of the Swedish Evangelical Alliance. But “something is terribly wrong when totalitarian regimes are trying to force us to abandon our hard-won human rights”, he adds.
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