Are we aware that employees and employers are not enemies, but work together to achieve the common good?
When the problems are perceived as structural rather than individual, it is difficult to assign responsibility.
Perhaps the greatest challenge is humanity’s counterfeit god-complex by which we act as if we are gods.
To a generation that is starving for human connection, the greatest gift the church can offer is relationship.
The new official document “broadens its classical understanding” to “include” new kinds of couples while maintaining “the perennial teaching on marriage”.
Joseph and Mary face the stigma of sin because the child was Jesus, the One who would save His people from their sin, Immanuel, God with us.
Let’s continue to examine our desires to do mission, explore other ways people use to serve, listen more to each other and enjoy the mission together.
Luthier Manuel Rodríguez III tells how his guitars open doors to many influential artists. And how he was able to stand up again after a crisis in which he came close to losing everything.
In a world of people trying to find themselves, make themselves, and often, fake themselves, we have a God who is not holding back on speaking his blessing over us.
The ‘Being Black in the EU’ survey shows that the cases of racial discrimination increased from 39% to 45% in 5 years. Only 9% are reported.
Listen to the interview with the new chairman of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, elected at the global congress held in Madrid in October 2023.
The new chairman of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, Dominic Yeo from Singapore, spoke to Evangelical Focus. “We have to expect discipleship happening in our churches, and the next generation becoming church planters”.
After her conversion, Grammy nominee Nadia Lopez spreads the message of Jesus through art.
Regardless of the resourcing systems we use, the foundation on which we build must always be faith. An article by Kirst Rievan.
Over 70 business people and entrepreneurs gathered under the theme “leaders who serve, servants who lead”.
The European Freedom Network launches a campaign with online petitions to make sure all businesses fight against any kind of exploitation within their supply chains.
Politicians, diplomats and intercessors from the Nordic and Baltic nations gathered in Helsinki for a prayer breakfast near the Finnish parliament.
Businesses must check their supply chains for any form of exploitation, says the European Freedom Network, a movement of Christian organisations fighting modern slavery.
The contrast of the Old Testament’s Cherem wars with the Quran’s ideology of Jihad is striking. This will help understand the current debate in Sweden – and elsewhere.
Christians are against desecrating holy books, says Olof Edsinger, leader of the Swedish Evangelical Alliance. But “something is terribly wrong when totalitarian regimes are trying to force us to abandon our hard-won human rights”, he adds.
José Urbano returned to business after several attempts. “Business is the Lord's whatever the situation, you have to rest in Him”.
Around 400,000 employees of large companies offer leaves for transitioners which are more generous than those offered to women after childbirth.
From Venezuela to the Canary Islands, from a laundry to the Royal House. Yukonda Esparragoza shares her experience of living “miracle after miracle”.
The place where the Christian band Melody now meets to sing was once used as a shooting range by ISIS radicals.
A letter signed by 27 leaders states that the process to bless same-sex couples would be “unlawful, unconstitutional, and illegitimate”.
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