At first glance, it seems that both those who see the Bible as final authority, and those who see it as a valuable myth, have much to share. Yet, upon closer observation, the foundations for their beliefs are worlds apart.
‘Firm and secure anchor’ was the theme of the events held in the cities of Albacete and Oviedo.
The emphasis on reconciliation, faith in the workplace, and the next generation offers a model for how the Ukrainian church can address its own context.
Several Christian entrepreneurs in Spain have recently been recognised for their exemplary work.
Anti-Christian acts drop by 10% in a context in which antisemitic attacks continue to be on the rise, says a territorial intelligence report.
The takes effect on 1 February. Religious communities now need at least 500 adult members to be legal. Any activity on a public place must be notified and may be banned.
I hope we would agree that worship is more than song-singing. Actually, worship is about revelation of God and response to God.
In an event in Madrid, evangelicals celebrated four decades of uninterrupted broadcasting of the evangelical programme on national television RTVE.
A new survey shows that most countries see Donald Trump with good eyes. Evangelical Focus asked analysts why Europe has become so isolated and what it means for relationships between evangelical Christians on a global level.
North Korea heads the new Open Doors ranking. North African countries such as Morocco and Algeria appear on the list. “If we lose religious freedom, then all other freedoms fall”.
Letting the next generation step up.
More than 400 influential Christian leaders and 30 church groups sent an urgent appeal the last week of December to the president and the prime minister of India.
May the church begin to present an emotionally intelligent community, who is able to weather the intricacies of human experience, choice, and seasons of belief.
2025 will be more fruitful if we hear from God by being in the Word, speak to God in prayer, respond in worship, and invest in life-giving relationships with other believers.
A report of FEREDE denounces obstacles to the opening new places of worship, discrimination and the lack of a solution for retired pastors without pensions.
If we are open to hear the voice of the global Church, to receive its help, and to serve it; then Europe still has a key part to play in the evangelisation of the earth.
A gathering of ministry and church leaders in Madrid, highlights the adaptation process that is taking place within the Spanish evangelical sphere.
In January, the state Duma will discuss a law that would end all religious activity in residential buildings. Orthodox Church, Catholic Church and Adventists also oppose an initiative that “creates ground for interfaith conflicts”.
Christian manager Pere Rosales talks about his vision of success, leadership and the learning process that can enhance the life path of any person.
The granddaughter of a Protestant teacher, shot by Franco’s army when she was 8 months pregnant, received the award at the Democratic memory day event.
The master class “will explore our deep-felt needs and how to segue from the topic of longings to a presentation of the Gospel”.
Let us ‘seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness’ (Matt 6:33) and we will be satisfied to sacrifice our lives to see it manifest.
Christians say that “the Cuban state refuses to open spaces for the exercise of fundamental rights”, and denounce the application of heavy fines to religious leaders.
Although James has almost no speech communication, we see God at work in him and through him in wonderful ways.
The ultimate example of altruistic integrity is Jesus, who although God, ‘did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself’.
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