Research at European Union level warns that there are many citizens who feel involuntarily isolated. Psychologist Josep Araguàs points to technology and the ageing of the population and emphasises the relational role of churches.
Christian psychologist, Abigail Castellanos, shares her experience serving in the distribution of aid among flood victims, and in coordinating the reception of volunteers.
The start of the academic year in Europe has brought out the differences between those who ban mobile phones and those who opt to manage technology in the classroom. Dámaris García, a psychologist working with young people, explains her point of view.
“Our motivation is not only to share the gospel, which is a priority, but to be sensitive to the health of all”, says the president of the evangelical hospital foundation.
“Most children whose feelings do not align with their biological sex will solve those incongruencies after the normal developmental process of puberty”, the institution says.
Some of the latest data collected speak of a crisis of self-esteem that affects half of the world's population. “True self-esteem is much deeper than just hugging yourself”, says psychologist Lidia Martín.
The Christian community has wide and sometimes unexplored potential to be the very context in which holistic health is promoted and preserved.
In June, thousands of young Christians in France were challenged to courageously let their faith shine for others to see. One month later, riots erupted in many cities.
Stop abus aims to “make our churches more welcoming and safer”, says the CNEF. Evangelicals had already released a guide of good practices to fight sexual abuse.
The volcanic eruption on the Spanish island of La Palma continues, over 2,000 homes have been destroyed. The Spanish Baptist Union is working on initiatives to help with psychological support and volunteers.
Christian psychologist Jonatan Serrano analyses the consequences of the normalisation of pornography in society. “No one would leave a child with a loaded gun in his pocket because he might hurt others or himself, but we are doing that with pornography”.
What are your reasons to be anxious or worried today? Identify them and make a translation: turn them into prayer requests.
Psychologist Diane Langberg will address the theme “Redeeming power: understanding authority and abuse in the church” in an online event hosted by the Forum of Christian Leaders.
The Spanish Evangelical Alliance responds to the public consultation about the law stating that it ignores science and medicine and might "create a society with different levels of rights".
The Spanish psychologist Lidia Martín published a book written during the months of Covid-19 confinement to help readers prepare for what could be “a long and complex situation”.
Evangelical associations sign an agreement to provide support and strategies to prevent suicide within security forcers.
The document by Spanish Christian psychologists was first translated into English, and now into Russian, Slovak, and other languages. “We want it to continue spreading for good, either for this crisis or for any future crisis”.
Over 50 psychologists in Spain have come together to produce a 60-page guide related to the Covid-19 crisis. It is available in English and Spanish.
The German government plans to ban so-called ‘conversion therapies’. Reinhardt Schink, Secretary General of the German Evangelical Alliance, says the law proposal is “neither coherent with its assumptions, nor consistent in its approach”.
Spanish evangelical psychologists and teachers gathered to analyse the challenges of new technologies and the latest trends in sex education in schools.
Pyschiatrists Pablo Martínez and Andrew Sims analyze the mind of Jesus in a new book. “His character traits shined powerfully as he approached death”, says Martínez in an interview.
Counsellor and author Ed Welch: “Our goal as people who have known Christ is to love Jesus above all else, and in that, there is freedom to love other things well, and to know when to say no”.
“Ignorance and the lack of resources cause many people to remain isolated”, psychologist Silvia Villares says. She has organised a forum with experts.
Mark Yarhouse, Professor of Psychology from Regent University, addressed the topic of pastoral care and counseling for people who struggle with LGBT+ issues.
Glynn Harrison explains how pornography draws us into addictive behaviours, and needs be tackled in the context of a more positive - truly biblical - vision for developing a healthy sexuality.
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