“I have never done anything against Turkey. I want the truth to come out”, Andrew Brunson told the court in Izmir on Monday. His lawyer says “there is evidence that shows Brunson was detained due to his faith”.
God always responds, though sometimes not in the way or at the moment we would like.
How to watch before, during and after praying.
Auke Minnema, General Director of the European Christian Political Movement, says young Christians should be encouraged to engage with society following the example of Jesus Christ and many others in the Bible. “We have a message, and we should be salt and light”.
What is the role of Christians serving in politics? An interview with Auke Minnema, the new General Director of the European Christian Political Movement (ECPM).
God has promised to guide us in the way we should follow.
“I believe that Christians have been called to shed light on what is wrong with the system”, says Slovak Christian worker Jaro Marcin.
“In 20 or 30 years’ time, mainstream churches will be smaller, but the few people left will be highly committed”, says British social of religion professor Stephen Bullivant.
Several churches in the area call to pray for “school teachers and administrators, parents teens, victims and families”.
The Prince of Preachers on the Holy Spirit.
Counsellor Ed Welch speaks about the impact of praying together.
Ultra-Orthodox Jews attacked a meeting centre in Dimona.
A summary of the gatherings in cities of France, Hungary, Spain, Switzerland and Germany.
The President of Bolivia says he revokes it “to avoid confusion”. Evangelicals were against a law that “could severely limit the organization of evangelistic activities”.
A survey conducted by the Czech Evangelical Alliance also asked evangelical church members about sexuality, refugees and divorce.
Quotes by Pink on the Scriptures.
A letter to the embassador in Rome was delivered.
Some lessons from Moses' intercessory prayer.
The gift of the new operation world app to the global church.
No matter what sort of bad habit we're fighting against, God shows us how to break it.
Evangelical Christians will pray together in hundreds of cities across Europe. A prayer guide and a Bible reading plan for mobile devices is now available for everyone to download.
Both Sebastian Pinera and Juan Orlando Hernandez received the support of a majority of church members.
The annual event organised by evangelical churches of many denominations used the opportunity to pray for the country.
We are facing massive challenges in Europe and America with rapidly spreading unbelief and a weak Church. But what God did then in changing the direction of Europe, He can do again.
The Association of Evangelicals in Africa says “the Church’s response promises great prospects in charting a Zimbabwe that God wants”. Believers in Zimbabwe call “for national dialogue”.
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