The Evangelical Hospital of Barcelona has set up a special area for Covid-19 patients. They ask churches to pray for them “to continue being a light in the midst of this pandemic”.
As the epidemic rages in Europe, let us not forget that worldwide inequalities mean that some countries will be more affected than others.
Exile can be fruitful and fertile when we see it as a season to build, to love, and to pray.
A megachurch in Colombia offers its temples for medical and spiritual help. Argentinian evangelical leaders pray for “renewed strength and encouragement”.
The World Evangelical Alliance has designated Sunday 29th March. Many national movements are sharing prayer guides, creative initiatives and calls to action.
The confinement in our homes is forcing millions to stop abruptly, cancel all our plans, and take time to look in the mirror.
The Italian Evangelical Alliance issued an appeal to all evangelical churches, ministries, and believers to join together on March 22nd to pray in unity, asking God to be revealed in this very moment.
The Chinese Christian Church in Spain closely follows the religious freedom changes happening in its home country. “The government wants all evangelical churches to be subject to the organisation of the Three Autonomies”.
The Presidents of Paraguay, El Salvador and Guatemala call believers to ask for God’s protection. Christians react to mockery on social media: “We are not ashamed of saying that our trust is in God”.
Prayer and pastoral care online, workshops, Instagram humor, are some of the responses to the first days of confinement.
Christians face the challenge of acting creatively as millions enter phase of confinement. “It might shape some of the future offers of our churches”.
Covid-19 deaths rise to over 360 as Italy becomes the second most affected country in the world. Italian evangelical leaders advice churches to follow the recommendations of the authorities and pray for “a spiritual and social revival with lasting effects”.
A newspaper report accuses an evangelical entity of harassing women when they go to abortion clinics. They deny it: “We respect people and if they don't want to talk, we don't insist”.
The starting point is always fellowship with the Father. We cannot give what we are not first receiving.
“Prayer is like a fire. One spark that someone prays should ignite a passion in someone else”. Mike Betts leads the network of churches Relational Mission.
More than 60,000 cases and 1,370 deaths have been reported worldwide. Christians in China preach the gospel and give out tracts and free masks.
The Christian Association of Nigeria organised a march to end a three-day fast. In January alone, 100 people died due to terrorism and clashes between Muslims and Christians.
A dynamic life of faith is neither limited to the affairs of earth nor ignorant of them. It lives in the tension between heaven and earth.
Christians joined the Evangelical Alliance Week of Prayer in dozens of European cities as local churches came together to worship God.
True stories about a slave turned abolitionist; a pastor who impacted US society; and one mother’s strong love and faith in the face of impossible odds.
Terry English, of youth ministry Josiah Venture, says discipling young people is “walking alongside them, helping them understand that their faith is about a relationship with Christ”.
Theologian José Hutter addresses the challenges evangelical churches have faced in the last decade, including same-sex marriage and the split between Western historic churches and the Christian majority in Africa and Latin America.
Most European Christians have lived through the secularisation process and so they have been conditioned to see it as normal.
Let’s not allow the artificial and temporary newness, to take our focus away from the wonder of all that is new for us in Christ.
Pastor of Open Heavens church in London and his 16-year-old son, drowned in a swimming pool on the Costa del Sol, in a failed attempt to rescue her 9-year-old daughter.
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