encourages Christians to respond to a public consultation of the government, “explaining the damage that gambling related marketing has on communities across the UK”.
The photo is low-res, his hands are out of focus as he is clapping with delight, it wouldn’t win any photography competitions, but I just love it!
Ann Voskamp encourages us to find three things each day that are good, three things to give thanks for, and to write them down.
The conference organised by IFES Europe will take place next December in Karlsruhe, Germany, under the theme “Revive our hearts, revive our universities, revive Europe”.
Let us all metaphorically roll our sleeves up, get a bowl of warm soapy water, get down on our knees adopting an attitude of servanthood, and wash some feet together….
A Pew Research survey shows that 47% of religiously unaffiliated adults have experienced any form of online harassment. It happens most among those under the age of 30.
As Christians, how can we respond to this generational conflict over the state of our planet? By David Snoswell.
What could be a possibly misunderstood use of a key Bible passage when it comes to whether healing is related to how much faith a person has when they pray?
“The way young people form bonds, make meaning, and live out their values is constantly changing. This is the most diverse generation that has ever existed”, concludes a survey conducted in the US.
What can we do to help to protect the mental health and well-being of our children, young people, and ourselves, during this lockdown.
Thai evangelical leaders “work to keep political issues out of the church”, while young people “feel disappointed that churches ignore what happens in society”.
Many children with additional needs can struggle with unpredictability and uncertainty, so try to keep a rhythm each day that they can get used to.
According to a Pew Research survey, young people tend to trust in others less. Italy has the highest rate of mistrust and Denmark the lowest.
All of the different things that Christmas brings can be really hard for children with special needs to cope with.
Boko Haram has claimed responsibility for the abduction through an audio message. Gunmen on motorcycles attacked a state school in North West Nigeria.
‘Roma Networks’ helps build healthy regional partnerships to respond to challenges such as children education, East-West migrations, and the holistic training of young Christian leaders.
Children mattered to Jesus, and He taught us a lot through the things He did with them.
Back to school has gone well for many disabled children. But there are children who have been let down with 24% still not back in school.
Minors 'must understand the consequences' before consent to treatment, says a landmark ruling. The country’s only gender clinic for children suspended new referrals for puberty blockers.
Mirela’s testimony highlights some of the extreme circumstances that Roma people often live in, but also reveals how Jesus makes a difference in their lives.
Leave the youth group on a Sunday and start going to ‘adult’ church services can be hard for any child, but having additional needs can often make it more difficult.
The battle between good and evil’ flows through the film. This study plan is primarily created to be used with children and young people.
Seek to speak from God’s heart to theirs: sensitively, passionately, directly, and clearly.
An EU report denounces that “Romani people are subject to persistent antigypsyism, a specific form of racism”. The Roma community asks Europe to “take concrete measures”.
A familiar text may require less exegetical work, but be sure that your listeners are getting fresh preaching because you have prepared your heart as well as your message.
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