As the debate around abortion and euthanasia resurfaces in Spain, over 500 groups and thousands of families marched to “protect the life of the most vulnerable”.
On the International Women’s Day, the Seneca Falls platform in Spain underlines that “the Bible condemns inequality, machismo and all kind of violence against women”.
It is the evangelical denomination with the largest presence in Spain. Its annual congress was themed “In His Presence, towards greater things”.
The book I don't like that secret! by Christian police officer Salvador Martí, seeks to prevent child abuse.
A Spanish Christian trucker and entrepreneur shares about how his Christian faith impacted over 40 years of work experience.
A conversation with Debora, a Christian aid worker who is at ground zero of the earthquake in Turkey. ‘There is destruction, but also hope’, she says.
“Human dignity does not depend on social consensus, but is an intrinsic quality of every human being”, states the text signed by Catholics, evangelicals, Anglicans, Muslims and Orthodox.
The emerging evangelical movement was one of the most active driving forces in mobilising Spanish society against slavery in Cuba and Puerto Rico.
International Spanish artist Marcos Vidal inspires his new song with the book of Daniel. “We are going to be accused of hate speech and that is where a Christian really has to decide whether he or she wants to pay that price or not”, he says.
Vox brings an initiative to the Congress to shut down the state-funded Pluralism and Coexistence Foundation, which supports the evangelical, Muslim and Jewish federations. Evangelical representatives respond.
A hundred people attended the Decision 2023 Summit, to reflect on how to bring the gospel message amidst the Spanish secular culture.
In Algeciras (Spain), the young man killed a sexton with a machete after injuring another priest who was officiating the Eucharist in a nearby temple.
Specific courses in Spain address “one of the most important ideological issues of the present”.
Final statistics of 2022 confirm that most families have seen huge increases in products such as milk and cereals. A look at salaries and the access to housing shows massive inequalities between European Union countries.
The Federation of Evangelical Religious Entities of Spain analyses the challenges and achievements of evangelical churches in 2022.
62% believe “science can give answers to all the big problems of the 21st century” but 51% do not see a conflict with religion.
Official data show a slight upturn in abortions. 90% of them were “at the woman's request”.
The views of 10 European Christians, including a Protestant worker expelled from Turkey, an Albanian pastor defending his freedom of expression, an Ukrainian missionary seeking to return home, and a Spanish mime successful in Germany.
As we focus on the mind-stretching story of the Creator entering into his creation as a human infant, let’s worship him with heart, head and hands this Christmas.
The programme, which included music and a preaching on Jesus’ centrality in Christmas, was aired on Christmas Eve.
Medical experts, jurists, feminists, and faith groups oppose a law that allows teenagers aged 16 or more to change their legal gender without restrictions. Conversion therapies are to be punished with fines of up to 150,000 euros.
The event was attended by around a thousand people, including local authorities of the Spanish city.
Conscientious objectors will not be excluded from decisions on whether an abortion can be performed on the grounds of illlness. Surrogacy is defined as “reproductive violence against women”.
Recent years have shown that the term “diversity” can become a weapon in the hands of rulers with clearly defined agendas and a willingness to impose their ideology.
Around 280 professionals, students, and church leaders attended the once-in-a-decade conference. Dr John Wyatt was the main speaker of a programme that included 15 other thematic seminaries.
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