Jesus didn’t exclude any of the children. He wants to get to know them, to love them, to rescue them, to journey through life with them.
The agreement on the appointment of bishops will be extended two years. “The price to be paid is immense because the Catholic Church renounces to its independence”.
Paul B. Anderson was one of the few Western Protestant leaders who made multiple enduring contributions to the flourishing of Orthodox Christianity.
The Spanish Brethren Assemblies held a national meeting in Madrid, with a strong call to be passionate about Jesus and his mission.
Religion is necessarily soteriological, meaning it is about the regeneration of individuals and the restoration of all that was lost through the fall.
The country faces new elections amid increasing polarisation. "The dispute over the evangelical vote has become very important", say analysts.
Sixty theologians participated in the biennial conference of the Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians held in Prague.
The Church can and should be a place where people can talk about the loss of their business, their frustration and confusion without being pressured to explain it.
Anglo Recycling is a textiles recycling business that sees value in providing dignified employment, developing responsibly made products and investing in the community.
Perhaps we would do better to be astonished by the profound crop of the good soil instead of trying to count every sprout as part of the harvest.
Fluid IT aims to provide fairer service and release the potential of technology for his clients, pursuing social impact.
Ethical Addictions produces and sells coffee through direct trade relationships with small-scale, family farmers in South America and Africa.
The United Bible Societies reported that there has been an increase of 5.5%.although distribution challenges “are still high”, due to the pandemic.
London-based Yendy Skin began with a mission to bridge the gap between small-scale female farmers and the beauty market.
Operation Transit returns this summer to deliver thousands of Bibles and Christian materials to people crossing the borders to North Africa.
Although much of the focus was on preparations for the fourth Lausanne congress (Seoul 2024), participants were constantly challenged to think towards 2050 and beyond.
Whichever approach you take, be sure to keep diving in, looking to know Jesus more and growing in your appreciation of God’s heart towards you.
In Israel there are currently seven species of vipers. In the Old Testament there are numerous Hebrew terms that refer to them.
You have to think through the situation: who is preaching, to whom, what are they used to, what is the preacher capable of doing, what is the subject matter, etc.
Evangelist Franklin Graham was the speaker in the 3 cities. “We are overwhelmed by the engagement of UK churches to help with the follow up”, organisers said.
The tour had been forced to reschedule back in 2020 after mounting opposition, followed by the pandemic.
Just Helpers self-employed staff are paid at least the London Living Wage. This commitment is rooted in the biblical principle of honouring workers.
The Derby-based ice cream business offers a workplace designed around the needs of people with a lived experience of slavery.
The Jericho Foundation started in Edward Road Baptist church as a ‘jobs club’ for the vulnerable and excluded. In the last 15 years, it has directly supported over 8,000 people.
An exhibition in the Spanish city of Ourense shows the difficulties evangelicals had in the 19th and 20th centuries to share their ideas in freedom.
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