Jay Eastman talks about the foundation of disciple-making leadership in an interview. “Out of the identity of being one with Christ, we are able to feed other fellow sheep.”
2.1 billion people of world’s population has little or no Gospel access. Christ-followers should be outraged by this spiritual injustice.
Over 80% of asylum seekers have smartphones. A Trans World Radio app offers over 300 audio programs to “address trauma and other difficulties refugees face in Europe.”
Users can call, text and use data at the same price they pay at home. “It is one of our greatest and most tangible successes”, the EU says in a statement.
Under the title “Change”, the project shares personal faith stories of citizens, intersting figures about the 500th anniversary, and introduces “the greatest Reformer, Jesus.”
Evangelical pastor Hector Peñafiel, a welding master, uses his skills to teach his profession and share the gospel with asylum seekers. “They can plan their future now”, he says.
Lindsay Brown closed the European Leadership Forum in Poland challenging participants to recover the centrality of the gospel and strengthen the mission of carrying the message of Christ to the ends of the Earth.
The 2017 European Leadership Forum gathered hundreds in Poland to celebrate the Reformation and connect to better share the gospel in diverse national contexts. See picture gallery.
Honor and shame are prominent in Majority World cultures, where these moral values form the ‘operating system’ of everyday life. People avoid disgrace and seek status in the eyes of the community.
There is no doubt that one of the greatest challenges Malta has faced in recent years has been coping with the influx of migrants from North Africa and the Middle East.
Evi Rodemann (Germany) talks about the unique contributions to society that only the Church can make.
A Cameroonian studying in a French university and a Serbian High School student share their impressions after the European Student Evangelism conference “Presence 2017”.
Notice how many buddha statues or wall hangings are for sale in local garden centres, or in home improvement centres, or cosmetic shops.
The word “evangelization” is used across the spectrum of the Christian world. The question is: What is the meaning of it? How is it defined? What does it refer to?
An exhibition in the region of Galicia shows the impact of the Bible despite many obstacles. Photos: Marina Acuña.
Unemployment in the EU regions ranged from 2% to 31%. Greece and Spain are still struggling. According to the Bible, “all work is worthy and full of meaning”, Jaume Llenas, General Secretary of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance, says.
Native American Ministries Sunday is the United Methodist family’s way to support our peer Native American congregations so they can serve and worship with their communities as only they can.
About 390’000 people attend a Christian church in Scotland. The growth of Pentecostals and free evangelicals is not enough to stop the decline of the other denominations.
Centrist Emmanuel Macron won first round with 23.9% of the votes. Defeated candidates publicly support Macron for the second round on May,7.
A summary video of the IFES Europe conference which brought together 1,700 students from many countries in Aschaffenburg (Germany) to reflect on God's mission in society.
The Holy Spirit is neither present nor active in a mission in which sin and the cross of Christ are absent.
The IFES European Student Evangelism Conference gathered 1,700 students from around 50 countries in Aschaffenburg (Germany). This year, the conference theme is Presence.
We should recognise that breadth of awareness is not evidence of the depth of our engagement.
If we would talk as much with Muslims as we do about them, Europe would be a different place.
Insights by Scott Moreau, Associate Dean of Wheaton College Graduate School.
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