Roles,strategies and reflections for outsiders in local contexts. An article by Kirst Rievan.
This section aims to suggest areas in which we may ask questions about the life of a biographical subject, and some mistakes to avoid in the study of lives. By Jacob Dunn.
Many women I know have few opportunities to work in a job they’ve trained in. This leaky pipe means that they have to shelve some of their gifts.
In times of struggle, we can look to the lives of those who have gone before us and take courage from the fact that their experiences can mirror our own. By Jacob Dunn.
There were over 10,900 abortions in 2020. Most of them took place in the first eight weeks of pregnancy and among women aged between 30 and 34.
The European Parliament discussed sexual and reproductive health and rights. An analysis by the European Evangelical Alliance representative in Brussels.
Even if the call to listen to the Word of God is present in these speeches, it seems to lead to an increased catholicity rather than an appeal to recover the biblical gospel.
The ammendment to the PCSC Bill was withdrawn after being debated in the Parliament. “UK politicians should be backing moves to lower the legal limit for abortion, not raise it”, says Christian organisation.
Last-minute extreme attempts to allow abortion up to birth. The proposed New Clause 55 is an extreme effort to extend individual autonomy at the expense of caring for both women and their babies.
We have become used to letting others, ourselves, and even God down.
Activating and harnessing migrant flows for incarnational mission. An article by Harvey Thiessen and Alena Popova.
“Governments have put a lot of money into developing these vaccines. It's a dilemma with legal, economic, political and ethical aspects. The key would be for pharmaceutical companies to allocate part of their profits to more universal and equitable access to vaccines”.
Christian psychologist Jonatan Serrano analyses the consequences of the normalisation of pornography in society. “No one would leave a child with a loaded gun in his pocket because he might hurt others or himself, but we are doing that with pornography”.
What are your reasons to be anxious or worried today? Identify them and make a translation: turn them into prayer requests.
The document was published only two days after a similar blacklist in Argentina. Targeted groups include the European Christian Political Movement and ADF.
The government welcomes the “depathologisation“ of transgender people. Critics denounce legal uncertainties, a harmful approach to children, and the “erasure“ of women.
The Global Youth Culture Study found out about their struggles, beliefs, relationships, connectedness and who and what influences them.
The European Evangelical Alliance had called to reject the report: “Abortion is about the life of the woman but also about the life of the unborn child. Both lives matter”.
Six common themes for a Trinitarian approach to leading missions. An article by Joseph W. Handley.
The Evangelical Alliance calls on the UK government to permit congregational singing in English churches.
This debate is really about something much bigger: what —or who— is the basis of reality, and how does this “filter down” to the issue of gender?
7 Conversations is a suite of interactive multimedia resources. The aim is to help local churches “to thrive among all generations and bring young adults to faith in Jesus”.
It is essential that we find out what women think and what their experience has been. We also need to look into the detail of how men and women relate to each other.
“Youth ministry has to work on areas such as excellence in life, a correct stewardship of time and resources, and a constant dependence on God that generates confidence in economic entrepreneurship”, says Marcos Zapata.
On 17th June, the Christian apologist and author will be interviewed in an online event as part of the Lausanne Europe agenda to prepare the November gathering in Poland.
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