A moving video poem about the origins and the future of Europe and the church. Produced by Philip Barry for the Lausanne Europe 20/21 Gathering.
“We cannot let 800 years of worship and service fail on our watch", says the Church of England.
The company, the celebrations and the worship can bring a special blessing for people living with dementia.
In Glasgow, it was so encouraging to see Christian young people across the world and especially in the UK taking this up and making their voices heard.
A resolution of the Council of 47 European countries recommends to focus on sexual education, online protection and security, and strong regulation.
A survey found that, while 33% of 18- to 34-year-olds plan to visit a place of worship during Christmas, only 17% of British over 55 will attend one.
“You don’t have to take the Bible so literally. It’s just like poetry from which you can learn life lessons”, said the Dutch Crown Princess Amalia as she turned 18.
The proposal did not pass with 65 votes against, 62 in favour and one abstention. Since 2017, abortion is legal in Chile in cases of rape or danger for the life of the mother and the child.
It has very large green leaves, scattered throughout the plant, with a rib system that resembles the fingers of the human hand. That is how it got the name “Palma Christi”.
There are thousands of policy influencers in the Brussels Bubble. It could definitely do with some Biblical truth and wisdom. Thank God we are not alone in this, but it can still feel quite overwhelming at times.
The trial against the Christian parliamentarian charged with “ethnic agitation” against homosexuals will start in January.
The law is expected to be passed in the next weeks. Evangelical churches express their total opposition.
The Lausanne Europe Online Gathering was the first major Lausanne conference in Europe since the original congress called by Billy Graham in Lausanne Switzerland in 1974.
A missiological exegesis of recent population trends.An article by Steve Sang-Cheol Moon.
Lars Dahle emphasizes the significance of the Lausanne Movement as a convener of key people to meet, talk and think together as well as listen to one another.
The film 'Protestants: the silenced history' tells how evangelicals were persecuted during the post-civil war years in the Barcelona area.
Exchange of ideas takes place at the Networking Tables after one of the plenary sessions at the Lausanne Europe Online Gathering.
The four-day LE20/21 will address the big questions of how evangelical churches can meet the challenge of bringing the dynamic gospel to an increasingly secular European continent.
German IT engineers are mounting lights, cameras, and computers in Southampton. Some 1,100 evangelical leaders from 40 countries are ready to join online.
Take time to evaluate where you are at with inconsistency with women’s roles in your church, listen to how that makes women feel.
Missiologist Jim Memory analyses the main trends in church and society. He will be one of the speakers at this week’s Lausanne Europe 20/21 gathering.
After other predators have consumed the soft parts of their prey, the bonebreakers arrive to feast on the skeleton. They are capable of swallowing and digesting 20 cm long pieces of bone.
A thousand church and mission leaders from some forty countries will meet next week to think and pray together and seek a way forward for mission in Europe.
“Surrogacy should not be authorised or legalised”, says the evangelical entity, which denounces that “it attacks women and children human rights”.
Miguel Wickham analyses the COP26 development, the challenges in addressing climate change, and the role of Christians.
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