Personal journeys, radical agendas and perplexing dilemmas.
Southern Baptist Russell Moore: “Christians must continue to insist that the worldview of the sexual revolution harms men and women and advocate for the inherent dignity of all.”
Transgenderism is the next major issue that Christians are going to have to come to grips with – theologically, morally, medically, legally and pastorally. Many in our churches have been taken by surprise.
“The European Union is a failure”, she said. Le Pen’s manifesto of 144 “commitments” pledges to “give France its freedom back”.
The World Evangelical Alliance: “We wholeheartedly affirm the clear teaching of the Holy Bible that the people of God are called by God to ‘love’ and ‘welcome’ the foreigner and stranger”.
The Mexico City Policy blocks all funding to organisations that carry out or promote abortions. “This decision will save lives”, Christian leader Russell Moore says.
All pregnant women in the Netherlands will have access to the Non Invasive Prenatal Testing to know if they have children with Down syndrome.
Regional government of Valencia applies measures to “eradicate transphobia” in elementary schools. Other Spanish regions promote similar pro-LGBT laws.
Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) converted to Christianity when he was young, going on to become one of the foremost Protestant composers.
Peace makers are essential in Christian life: men and women who never accept evil; men and women who prefer to lose their own rights to let God be glorified.
One in three citizens think corruption is one of the biggest problems facing their country. Ukraine, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Spain are the worst judged.
Barry Richards, on of the best South African cricket players once said: “I would have preferred to make fewer runs and more friends.”
A report from an independent commission advised in February to slow down euthanasia to prevent abuses.
“Queen of Katwe” is the true story of Phiona Mutesi, an Ugandan girl who became a professional chess player, with the help of a Christian ministry which works with children in Africa.
We should be more careful when pointing to the evangelical churches of Colombia as the promoters of the “no”.
One in fifty Belgians dies euthanised. In 2015, there were more than 2,000 euthanasia cases, an average of six per day.
“Pray that God would use Guterres and the UN to lessen the suffering in our world, and in humility serve those who are most vulnerable”, says World Evangelical Alliance Secretary General Efraim Tendero.
Around ten million evangelicals voted in the referendum. Some analysts believe that the 'no' “was hatched at church”, but many evangelicals have publicly supported the “yes.”
In a surprise result, the “no” won by 50.2% to 49.8%. The bilateral ceasefire between government forces and the FARC will continue. Evangelical Christians were divided.
Across Western Europe and the US, those who hold to traditional Christian sexual ethics not only find themselves on the wrong side of popular opinion, but allegedly on the “wrong side of history” too.
About 7,500 said “yes to life” in Berlin, 1,700 gathered in Bern. Pro-abortion radicals organised counter-demonstrations and threatened Christian organisations.
A look at European statistics on five key biomedical issues: surrogate parenthood, gender transformation, the new eugenics, euthanasia and abortion.
I have always found striking, the discrepancy between the public support for euthanasia (among those who are healthy) and my patients’ desire for continued life.
To forgive requires first to be aware, through God’s light, of the dark hidden corners in our own heart.
We are to forgive first, then either we can bear with, or we need to approach and proactively address the situation.
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