The deal limits Iranian nuclear activity in return for the lifting of international economic sanctions. Israel said “it is a mistake of historic proportions.”
Although terrorism has increased worldwide, this is the safest time in history.
The video sure gets a lot of tears flowing; but that doesn’t make it theologically accurate.
The World Evangelical Alliance “welcomes” Pope Francis’ encyclical and the media attention it has had. “Climate change is real and it is a threat to the integrity of the planet’s ecosystems.”
Economics should take into account the relational aspect of men as it structures society for human flourishing.
USA plans to deploy battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other heavy weapons in ally countries bordering with Russia.
“It's very difficult to know what to do. This has definitely added to the sense of fear and uncertainty”, Christian organisation in Nepal says. At least 65 people dead and more than 2,000 injured.
Mrs Jeralean Talley was born in 1899 and she still attends her church on Sundays. “A long time ago, I asked the good Lord, when you get ready to take me home…I don't want to be sick (…) So far I don't suffer so much.”
Country faces the threat of disease and child trafficking. Many Christian churches and organisations helping. Government confirms that more than 7,500 people lost their lives.
Thirty-nine year old Zivic, working with Athletes for Christ in Nepal: “There is a lot of news coming out but I ask you to pray for the many people who have lost everything.”
Four-months-old Sonit Awal was recued after his father heard him crying. In hospital, the baby was found free of severe injuries.
Government fears 10,000 have lost their lives. Many still sleep on the streets. Access to rural areas is very difficult.
Number of victims keep rising, 6,500 injured. Country tries to recover from chaos, international help strats coming in. Aftershock on Sunday caused more avalanches.
Expert Tyler Wigg-Stevenson represented the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) in the discussions about nuclear weapons at the UN.
Alien supercivilizations absent from 100,000 nearby galaxies. The most far-seeing search ever performed for “Dyson spheres” and other artifacts of “astroengineering” comes up empty.
Muslim population is projected to increase by 73 percent and make up 30 percent of the world’s population. Christians would make up 31 percent.
The last novel by Javier Marias Asi empieza lo malo (“This is where it all goes wrong”) is about the fear of our lives being destroyed by those secrets which could cause earthquakes at a moment’s notice.
On the fourth anniversary of the Fukushima quake-tsunami, there are still many people and places affected.
Christianity is the most persecuted religion: in 102 of the 198 countries included in a Pew Research study, Christians face restrictions and hostility because of their faith.
Let's face it; you'll never be any good at skiing if you're frightened of crossing that threshold where you're no longer in control of your circumstances - or even your body.
How do Protestants differ from non-Protestants in their behaviour? Are their communities more democratic, horizontal or concerned by their neighbours? Do they have less corruption and abuse?
It was rush hour at the metro station L’Enfant Plaza in Washington, D.C. Hundreds of people were heading to their work on that cold January morning.
In this second article I am focusing on the growth of Pentecostalism and the so called prosperity gospel.
According to a report by Pew Reasearch, the Catholic Church has suffered considerable losses following a move by its members to Evangelical churches.
Almost 20% of Latin Americans identified themselves as Evangelicals. Catholic Church has lost members through religious switching.
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