“It’s not going to stop us from worshipping and sharing our faith. The Great Commission isn’t just for a time of freedom”, Russian evangelicals say.
“Factors that increase the risk for refugees in Europe are denial of asylum, criminal activity inside the camps, unsafe living situation, minority status and isolation”, the European Freedom Network explained in a webinar.
“Islam is by far the most publicised religion by the largest French daily newspaper, Le Monde", specialist in Evangelical Protestantism Sebastien Fath says.
“Interdependence is a Christian principle, it’s good to learn from what is happening across Europe”, says video artist John Lumgair.
Sometimes, in our own lives, we suffer hurt and to become discouraged seems to be the only way of reacting. But prayer has the power to help changing our attitude.
What has the Bible to say about Christians marrying non-Christians?
Many of us don't know anything other than living in freedom. But often we're not aware –or we don't want to know– that the choices we make in our freedom can curb the freedom of others.
Is gender reassignment surgery clinically effective? What makes people regret the sex change they once decided? Walt Heyer is the author of a website that tackles these issues from a Christian perspective.
In France, some football players not only fight to lift the tournament trophy for their national teams but also bear testimony of their faith in Jesus.
His Christian leadership during the times of the dictatorship left a mark in the evangelical churches. “He played a very important role internationally, his boost is still present in our movement today.”
The servant has to travel a road that is far from straightforward; and through his journey in Genesis 24 we can learn a lot. The one characteristic that stands out above all others is his single-mindedness in serving his master.
In the midst of economic collapse, a couple thousand Christians in worship and prayer.
Myriad hints that point to the existence of a personal God who has given the world its structure.
Footage shows the moment a lion attempted to pounce on little boy at a zoo in Chiba, Japan. What can we learn?
In Fiji, the surfer beats world number one Tyler Wright. Hamilton lost one arm after a shark attack when she was 13 years old. Her story and faith was explained in the film 'Soul Surfer'.
We have become increasingly accustomed to corruption in high places, and this has resulted in a cynicism towards those in power.
One of the most beautiful examples of friendship occurred during the Olympic Games of Seoul, and involved a runner named Moulay Brahim Boutaib, winner of the 10,000 metres race.
The campaign is “about breaking down barriers and challenging misconceptions” during Ramadan (6 June- 6 July), Islamic Relief said. In November, a Church of England video featuring the Lord’s prayer was banned from cinemas.
Although we won't lose the war, how long are we going to live without victory because of hundreds of different "little battles"?
Some of us, like Churchill and Isaac, may have a defining period in our lives, which leaves everything else in the shade.
The videos, released on April 14, also feature Chilean miner Jose Henriquez and author Alister McGrath, among other well-known Christians.
Participants from more than 20 countries shared plenaries, projects, resources and worked in groups. The meeting was organised by the Lausanne Movement and the WEA.
The Bible never ducks sexual issues. Within its pages you will find stories of adultery, rape, and, as here with Lot’s daughters, incest. These subjects are dealt with openly, but always in a matter-of-fact way and never sensationally.
“Highly religious” USA citizens are happier and more involved with family and in their communities, a Pew Research survey says. When weighing major life decisions, 7 out of 10 evangelicals said they prayed.
The archbishop of Canterbury confirms that his father is Churchill's last private secretary. “It was surprise, but in my life and in our marriage Caroline and I have had far worse”, he says.
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