The road may be long, healing will not be quick. But then comes the encouragement to wait on God, listen to Him, and learn to trust Him again.
It will allow users to ask for and respond prayers. “We are committed to build tools that help people connect to hope”, says the Facebook head of Global Faith Partnerships.
Prince Philip died at the age of 99. “He was extremely interested in theology”. Many religious leaders showed their condolences and highlighted his faith.
In their books, Jorge Fernández and Jaime Fernández send words of encouragement to all those fighting for their lives in an era of pandemic and euthanasia.
The country of Martin Luther continues to print Bibles in all shapes and sizes.
It is no coincidence that John Le Carré, the master of spy fiction, was himself a spy. He knew what he was talking about. The mistake of conspiracy theories is to believe in perfect plots.
The father of four young children had been sentenced to five years in prison and fined 100,000 dinars. “That this story goes back three years and only now it’s resurfacing – it’s hard to digest”, says the church that supports his family.
The library has been established by the Bible Society Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City. “We hope it will be a symbol of Christian unity and learning”, they say.
After 55 years of work, the pandemic has aggravated the crisis of the ministry in Spain. The impact of the internet and the secularisation of Europe are a challenge for the entire sector.
This book enables us to extend the conversation and consider further how to put people not devices at the centre of our lives.
The syncretistic and idolatrous nature of much of Western Christianity is contributing to the ultimate collapse of Western civilisation.
Jonathan Ebsworth of Tech Human shares practical tips. “Real embodied human relationships are messy and difficult, but it is where we can find true love and acceptance; even if the digital world feels more accepting”.
Everything started in 1962, when Pasolini was invited to a debate series. In his hotel room he found a Gospel according to Matthew which greatly impressed him, and he decided to turn into a film.
Helle Telk experienced emigration and family abandonment, but in the midst of these circumstances, she found God's care and faithfulness.
Broadening the range of our capacity to wonder is at the heart of epistemology. To fail to do so is to slip dangerously into knowledge as impersonal and disembodied.
Pullman is cross-pressured: even as he dismisses God and attacks religion, he feels the echo of transcendence.
The focus of this paper is a brief Christian critique of Pullman’s views on religion, especially as he expresses them in his book His Dark Materials.
Consistently choosing to obey God in the small things prepares us to choose his way in the vital decisions of life.
A Cuban pastor started using it on social media, after a pro-regime theologian appeared on national television denying the miracles of Jesus Christ.
The Baptist pastor and missiology professor looks at how the Christian faith created a common cultural space for the peoples of Europe but also determined national identities.
The windows of the store were full of anti-Christian offensive graffiti. “This is an attack on religious freedom, are we still free to believe in God in France?”, the CNEF says.
Vatican I further solidified the nature of the papal office as a quasi-omnipotent and infallible figure.
Can we stand before jealousy? Moses’ conduct in this story gives us four pointers which will help us.
The Spanish psychologist Lidia Martín published a book written during the months of Covid-19 confinement to help readers prepare for what could be “a long and complex situation”.
How new tools can be used to securely lead mission teams.
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