The AEE presented a renewed image and its projects in the areas of youth, solidarity, media and creation care, among others.
We all struggle over how to channel or not channel information that comes our way. The journalist’s job adds yet another layer of complexity.
How does one make an effective Christian presence in the midst of a Europe that, more than asleep to the Gospel, seems comatose or almost dead?
Silence in the midst of suffering is not a judgment of condemnation, but a purification of faith.
On 21 January 1525, the first adult baptisms took place in Zurich, initiating a spiritual movement that continues to this day. We talked to Mexican expert Carlos Martínez García about its history, principles and legacy.
We attended the Open Doors press conference in Madrid to get the stories and context of the most widely cited report on persecution of Christians globally.
More than 450 authors and almost 30,000 contents published since the website was launched in January 2015. “The journey we have made reinforces the idea that approaching current affairs from a Christian perspective is not only relevant but necessary”.
Jesus talked of wheat and tares growing up together. Here is a random sample of both in the last 25 years.
Some evangelicals still do not know how to translate the Bible into more political areas than the defence of life and family; Carter opened a way for us to explore.
A Baptist Christian, Carter dedicated his life, after a political career, to promoting reconciliation and peace in the world.
A gathering of ministry and church leaders in Madrid, highlights the adaptation process that is taking place within the Spanish evangelical sphere.
The latest encyclical of Pope Francis takes its cue from the Roman Catholic devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus to elaborate a more general reflection on the heart.
Are we seeing the dawn of thinking machines? And what does this mean for mission, for Christianity, and the world?
Europe and European culture had been shaped overwhelmingly by the gospel story.
I came from the future because in Seoul at L4, I had the opportunity to connect with issues of relevance for the coming years of the Global Church.
What effect the experience that led to the song Why Me, Lord? had is unknown, but Kris never wanted to identify himself as an evangelical musician.
A report of the conference of media ministries associated with TWR in Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.
While AI does not pose an existential threat to humanity, we must be aware of the concerning ways it is shaping our understandings of God, ourselves, and the world around us.
The leader of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance is invited to speak on freedom of conscience, as ‘Reformismo21’ opens a channel to learn about what evangelicals think of a range of societal issues.
An interview with Martha Ramírez Uribe, a Christian art dealer with 30 years of experience.
We need an army of pragmatic Marthas, ready to serve and love their neighbour because they have first been an army of devoted Marys.
Rethinking the international agency model in the pursuit of mutual mission sending partnerships.
The Shem Tov Bible, written in 1312 featuring Jewish, Christian, and Islamic artistic styles, “is an essential piece of religious history”, experts say.
The EU passes a groundbreaking “Artificial Intelligence Act”. It bans ‘social scoring’, emotional recognition at the workplace, and “deceptive techniques that distort behaviour”.
Twenty artists performed in the 3rd edition of the Christian music event. There were also shows for children, creative master classes, and games lounges.
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