Bulgarian lawmakers concede some restrictions in a new Religion Denominations Act after international pressure and intensive protests. A new constraint however threatens the legal existence of many denominations.
A series of short video documentaries provide cutting-edge information about missiological issues defined in the Cape Town Commitment. The evangelical movement aims to spark thoughtful discussion and action.
The European Evangelical Alliance and the World Evangelical Alliance issue statements calling to stop a legislation that would give “huge and unnecessary powers to the Bulgarian State to interfere with faith communities”.
The World Evangelical Alliance calls to “speak out in opposition wherever and whenever hatred or violence is encouraged”.
The first joint congress of missions of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship and the Pentecostal World Fellowship was held in Madrid.
Around 280 people attended the Christian Surfers International Gathering in France. Phil Williams: “At the heart of what we do is our relationship with God, and how we react in our community”.
Around 4,000 left Honduras to find a better life in Mexico and the US. World Vision calls for “a joint action between churches, civil society, companies and authorities to provide humanitarian aid”.
The future has a curious power to shape us.
We need to be discerning as to the aspects of our nation and culture that can be affirmed by us, and those that must be challenged in the light of the character of God.
As Christians we have a responsibility to take a stand against propaganda and make sure we are bearers and channels of the truth.
The death toll has risen to more than 2000. 86 church buildings in Palu have been established as aid centres. Pastors ask believers “to pray for strength for their communities to endure in the midst of trauma”.
Soldiers are holding arrested Christian leaders and students in Mong Maw town, a stronghold base of the Wa rebels.
Our generation must speak out for the poor and vulnerable, and the generations to come, and not act as if history ends with us.
Most Venezuelans are now ‘burned out’ as they basically just try to survive. An unprecedented exodus has ensued, some 1,642,400 left the country between 2015 and 2017.
The “provisional” deal is criticised by some Catholic sectors. Organisations working for persecuted Christians express their concerns.
The terrorist group has killed a cooperant aid worker and says it will kill three other hostages, including Leah Sharibu.
A sign in a mountain which reads: “Ciudad Juárez, the Bible is the truth, read it”, has become a representative icon for 31 years.
Every 40 seconds, one person commits suicide. “Suicide is preventable if efforts are comprehensive and integrated”, the World Health Organisation says.
In New York, António Guterres met the Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance, Efraim Tendero.
WEA’s Advocacy Officer in Geneva comments on the work of the former Secretary General of the UN and Nobel Prize winner.
An interview with Lars Dahle, member of the steering group of the Lausanne Movement 2018 Global Consultation on Nominal Christianity.
The government is hunting down evangelicals who welcomed an Ethiopian Pentecostal pastor. Christians had hoped the historic peace agreement with the neighbouring country would lead to more freedom.
The annual program “Back To Classes With Jesus” provides children, aged six to 12, with a backpack full of supplies and Scripture booklets.
An interview with Lars Dahle, of the Steering Committee of the Lausanne Movement Global Consultation on Nominal Christianity held in Rome.
“We love our country, we pray for our authorities, and we have no intentions against our government”, Iranian Christian Dabrina Bet Tamraz told the UN Human Rights Council.
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