The Lausanne Europe Online Gathering was the first major Lausanne conference in Europe since the original congress called by Billy Graham in Lausanne Switzerland in 1974.
A missiological exegesis of recent population trends.An article by Steve Sang-Cheol Moon.
Lars Dahle emphasizes the significance of the Lausanne Movement as a convener of key people to meet, talk and think together as well as listen to one another.
Exchange of ideas takes place at the Networking Tables after one of the plenary sessions at the Lausanne Europe Online Gathering.
The four-day LE20/21 will address the big questions of how evangelical churches can meet the challenge of bringing the dynamic gospel to an increasingly secular European continent.
German IT engineers are mounting lights, cameras, and computers in Southampton. Some 1,100 evangelical leaders from 40 countries are ready to join online.
Missiologist Jim Memory analyses the main trends in church and society. He will be one of the speakers at this week’s Lausanne Europe 20/21 gathering.
A thousand church and mission leaders from some forty countries will meet next week to think and pray together and seek a way forward for mission in Europe.
It was discovered in Israel, near the site of the Temple in the time of Jesus. Experts said the engraving had never been found on other objects until now.
Church trends in the 21st century.
We need others from different backgrounds to help us think outside our own box. We need to hear what God is doing in other parts of Europe.
Inside the collaborative world of Jewish evangelism. An article by Aaron Lewin.
A critique of Western Christian leadeship in light of global trends. An article by Mary Ho.
Over 100 women have already registered in a newly created platform for female Christian speakers in German-speaking countries. Theologian Evi Rodemann explains her vision for mentoring.
The potential of media and local fellowships.
Three Christian converts were accused of promoting “propaganda against Islam”, according to the new restrictive Penal Code. Iranian believers ask to pray for encouragement and strength.
There could be “a significant risk of LE20/21 becoming a superspreader event”, the organisation said. The conference will be held online 17-21 November.
The LGBTQ movement has provided us with a new set of ideologies that claim to strike a wedge between our body and our soul.
Three ways to bridge the leadership gap. An article by Nana Yaw Offei Awuku and Ole-Magnus Olafsrud.
The EFI has published its report on the persecution of Christians in the first six months of 2021. They have identified 145 incidents, including three murders.
God designed partnership between male and female from the beginning. An article by Chad and Leslie Neal Segraves.
Large mainline denominations that have adapted their theology to the LGBT ideologies have accelerated their loss of membership: 7 cases in 4 countries.
Where is mIssion a decade after the centenary of Edinburgh 1910?
Roles,strategies and reflections for outsiders in local contexts. An article by Kirst Rievan.
Activating and harnessing migrant flows for incarnational mission. An article by Harvey Thiessen and Alena Popova.
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