We pray for those who suffer. Not only for their suffering to stop, but also for them to meet the One who is near in the midst of all suffering, bearing the pain, the guilt and the hate.
One obvious implication is the age of retirement for ministers, elders, trustees, and others. Should leaders continue to retire at, say, 65, or as in a number of denominations, 70?
Is the arrival of thousands of Muslims to Europe a threat to Christianity? What is the growth of evangelical churches in Eastern and Southern Europe? An interview with theologian and Lausanne Movement representative Lindsay Brown.
Usama Hanna (MEOS, Switzerland) believes churches in Switzerland and across Europe “are opening up to integration.” He emphasises the importance of “praying for and with the refugees.”
Some of the ways that evangelical organisations are taking up the global challenge of implementing creation care as a mission task.
What should be the approach to refugees coming from an Arabic background? What is important to them? How can we talk to them about God? Usama Hanna (MEOS, Switzerland) gives some answers.
111 United Methodist Church leaders in the USA come out as “Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer/Questioning and Intersex” and sign a letter asking for full recognition just before the General Conference in Portland (Oregon).
In his book “Not Forgotten”, American missionary Kenneth Bae tells how his 2 years in prison strengthened his relationship with God and his love for North Korea.
After Trump´s victory and Cruz´s resignation, many religious leaders have written an open letter against Trump, and Rev. Samuel Rodriguez asked him to stop his “inflammatory” commentaries.
Syria, Central African Republic, Egypt, Iraq, and Vietnam are also among the “countries of particular concern.” For the first time, Western Europe is in the list as a place that “deserve monitoring.”
When the suspect realised who the judge was, he broke down in tears. Judge waited for him at the prison entrance when he was released, to hug him.
U2 frontman talks about how the Psalms impacted his life and his music with theologian and author of ‘The Message’ Eugene Peterson. Interview with Fuller Seminary professor David Taylor.
Participants from more than 20 countries shared plenaries, projects, resources and worked in groups. The meeting was organised by the Lausanne Movement and the WEA.
David Byle could be detained with no charges for 30 days. The Interior Minstry defines him as a “threat to public order.”
An evangelical emphasis on nurturing societies that encourage openness, tolerance, and diversity of religious expression should be seen as a benefit to all citizens and beneficial to mission and ministry globally.
The secular 1970s did not prepare Europe well for the religious vitality that would become all too apparent during the late 1990s and onwards.
It reveals the high status of its owner and confirms the important role of some women during the First Temple period, as described in the book of Proverbs.
Fuller Theological Seminary professor Juan Francisco Martínez: “Many Christians question the faith and way of life of Donald Trump but will still vote for him for other reasons.”
Monty Williams forgives the driver who killed his wife: “We cannot serve the Lord if we don't have a heart of forgiveness.”
Authorities in Israel called it the oldest discovery of its kind in the area. The historic site was found while authorities were doing roadwork.
After months of debates and polls, candidates Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump face their first exam. In 2012, 60% of voters in Iowa identified themselves as evangelical Christians.
“The churches in Syria, as they are in Iraq, are facing four main challenges amid the current regional crisis.” An article by a Syrian pastor.
The Archbishop of Canterbury condemned all homophobic behaviour, and defended the Primates decision to suspend the Episcopal Church USA for 3 years.
“The traditional doctrine of the church in view of the teaching of Scripture, upholds marriage as between a man and a woman in faithful, lifelong union”, Primates say after crucial discussions.
A short talk by the renowned environmental scienist Dr Katharine Hayhoe, during COP21 in Paris. She was one of the speakers of the A Rocha conference in the French capital, co-hosted by the Lausanne Movement Creation Care network.
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