As Americans go to the voting booths to choose the candidate they hate the least, we in Europe need to brace ourselves for the outcomes.
In 2011, only 30% of white evangelical Protestants believed “elected officials can behave ethically even if they have committed transgressions in their personal lives”. Now 72% do, says survey.
Now the government can independently deport anyone it deems a threat to “public security” without a judicial order or review. The directive was issued over the weekend.
I will present a conceptual model. It was life-changing for me to discover it, and I have found that it clearly matches the biblical directives, as well as the fuller biblical narrative.
It would be a mistake to think that their story was nothing more than the nihilism of hopeless youth. Their rage was a cry of rebellion against an empty life.
An 8-minute interview with Philip Yancey on the role of Christians in a secularised society. Recorded in Madrid, September 2016.
From 1995 to 2012, there were about 480 foreign entities working inside North Korea, of which 70 were Christian. Christian groups have operated in 85 counties in the country, meaning that some 60% have had some exposure to Christian organizations.
Other objects were also found. “Everything connects in a wonderful way to the Bible”, an archaeologist said.
More than 50 representatives from diverse backgrounds and regions met in Barcelona for an “open process, listening to God and listening to each other for what we feel is on God’s heart for Europe”.
“I am staggered that so many evangelical Christians would somehow paint a man who is a bully, who made his money by casinos, who has had several wives and several affairs, as someone that we could stand behind”.
“When you are in a place like the United States where the majority will claim to be Christians, but then look like everyone else, then people do not understand what the gospel is”. Preview of the author's interview with Evangelical Focus.
A summary of the special Lausanne Movement Younger Leaders Gathering organised in Jakarta (Indonesia) in summer 2016. 1,000 delegates and 100 mentors came from 150 countries.
“Is the gospel about human salvation from a condemned world or does it include hope for creation’s good future in Christ?” Lausanne Movement and World Evangelical Alliance sponsor the regional gathering.
Michael Oh, Os Guiness, René Breuel, Rebecca Manley Pippert, Mutua Mahiani, Anne Zaki, Ravi Zacharias and others shared their views at the Lausanne Movement Younger Leaders Gathering in Jakarta (Indonesia).
Do American teenagers still have reverence and interest for the Bible? That's a central question that guided a study conducted by Barna Group and the American Bible Society.
Young evangelical leaders from around the world brought together by the Lausanne Movement, shared eight days in Jakarta (Indonesia). Thinkers like Os Guiness, Ravi Zacharias or Anne Zaki were part of a meeting in which participants from 150 countries talked face to face and initiated projects.
So as we look to the future, what should govern our aspirations? Perhaps Jesus’ models of salt and light in Matthew 5:13-16 could give us a framework.
His surviving works are rare and are in museums all over the world but, says Susan Mansfield, the Dutch artist remains a man of mystery
The Hadith reports can take Muslims in many directions: to compassion for widows and orphans, to patriarchal attitudes towards women, to disdain for religious minorities, and to military jihad for the cause of Islam.
According to Pew Foundation, eight out of ten white evangelicals support Trump, and "cannot conceive" to vote Hillary Clinton,who has become the first female presidential candidate.
“I see a generation that is humble to build on the wisdom of previous generations, but also bold enough to contextualize it and come up with new initiatives for global mission”, says Sarah Breuel, Chair of the Lausanne Movement Younger Leaders Gathering 2016.
The event featured over 40 speakers from evangelical, Catholic and other backgrounds. It shut down five hours earlier, due to the high heat index.
About 90% of the Native Americans have minimal or no connection to Christianity. “There are no mega-churches with Indians, but we have people who love the Lord”, Emerson Falls, former chairman of FoNAC, said.
The basic place of meeting between Christian and Muslim is our shared regard for Jesus the Messiah; and the most fundamental point of difference is not the place of women or of violence, but who we believe the Messiah to be.
Amid a flood of skepticism, a 155-meter-long copy of Noah’s Ark was opened in Williamstown, Kentucky (USA). The weighty construction involved $100 million, and six years of work.
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