The printing of the Gutenberg Bible was a milestone, enabling the mass production of books and the spread of knowledge to a much wider audience.
The national evangelical choir and orchestra is being formed once again to present a work created with the aim of communicating the message of the gospel to the public.
Europe and European culture had been shaped overwhelmingly by the gospel story.
A historic event for the more than six million evangelical believers in the country, who represent 15.3 per cent of the population.
The decision is part of the agreement between the government and the Evangelical Council of the southern Spanish region which has been extended for 2 years.
Are we living out the teachings of Jesus in a way that reflects love and compassion? Are we willing to challenge the status quo and make necessary changes before it is too late?
“The ideas of the Reformers spread rapidly throughout Europe, emphasising freedom of conscience”, stressed an evangelical leader at the presentation of the initiative.
The evangelical pastor in Madrid thanked his “Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ”. His son’s reactions following the ceremony from home became viral on social media.
Luther had the help of the artist Lucas Cranach, who was commissioned to illustrate many theological tracts in order to make a visual impact on readers.
Unlike in most of the rest of Europe, there are no evangelicals in Spain who distance themselves from Protestantism. Why?
Valencia fills the Ateneo Mercantil to celebrate the Protestant Reformation. Conducted in Valencian and Spanish, the event was broadcast for the first time by the regional public television.
The regional government of Madrid hosted an institutional event, recognising the “added value” that evangelicals bring to society.
On Halloween, Protestants commemorate Martin Luther’s dramatic start to the Reformation. The next day, Catholics will pray for departed souls. Believe it or not, these events all have a common connection.
As the Dutch led the way in shipping, map-making, navigation, trade, art and science, new ideas about God, man and the cosmos were conceived by Amsterdam-based thinkers like Descartes, Locke and Spinoza.
Reading him critically and generously in light of the Scripture Alone principle, seems to be the best evangelical approach to Thomas Aquinas.
Every 31 October, the beginning of the Protestant Reformation is commemorated around the world. Wittenberg in Germany was the place were Martin Luther's 95 theses were first read.
She was highly respected among evangelical churches and organisations in Spain. Among Luttikhuizen’s most important works is a history of the Spanish Protestant Reformation.
An exhibition in the German town of Eisenach features the longest painted Bible on the 500th anniversary of the German translation of the Bible.
The Evangelical Council of Madrid and the regional government signed a collaboration protocol which includes Reformation Day as a relevant event in the region.
Streets and squares in the city will be named after women such as Isabel de Baena and Francisca de Chaves, tortured by the Spanish Inquisition.
No one ever apologises for mistakes which are typical of people who are undocumented, uneducated and ignorant in religious culture. An article by former Vice-President of Catalonia, Josep-Lluís Carod-Rovira.
A study commissioned by the State’s antisemistism commissioner includes the Protestant Reformer in a list of historic personalities whose presence in public spaces should be reviewed.
The local leadership of the library together with local evangelicals had trained nearly 5 library workers and 40 volunteers from different churches of the city.
On 31 October the Protestant Reformation is commemorated around the world, just over five centuries after Luther nailed his 95 theses in Wittenberg (Germany).
I am stepping down from my role as Director of the Jubilee Centre and stepping out to pioneer a community of reform around the whole challenge of housing.
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