A BBVA Foundation report shows how the citizens of 5 European countries see their political situation, the role of the State, the EU, the media, and challenges such as migration and climate change.
Five of the main candidates responded on topics like bioethics, refugees, freedom of belief, and environmental care. The parliamentary election will be held on September 29.
The government survey takes place every 10 years. “If you're not sure how to answer, use the sex registered on your official documents (…) or whichever answer best describes your sex”, the guidance for 2021 says.
Finnish MP Päivi Räsänen shares her thoughts about the police investigation opened against her for quoting the Bible on homosexuality. She is “amazed” that “so many are praying for me and my country”.
Believers are encouraged to choose a Canton and a minister of the government to pray for. “A special strength and hope for our nation is found in prayer”, the Swiss Evangelical Alliance says.
Demonstrators gathered in front of the parliament building in Belfast. “We werere not asked about this undemocratic change, which does not reflect public or political opinion here”.
The temptation facing us is either to push the panic button, adding further confusion to the chaos, or to take flight and escape into denial about what’s going on in society. For Christians both of these options are simply unacceptable.
The government of Murcia is the first to allow parents to decide whether their children attend primary school sessions lead by external organisations on a range of issues, including sexual education.
The Italian politician’s worldview precludes the teachings of the good Samaritan, despising it as naïve do-goodism.
The Spanish Evangelical Alliance sends a letter to the Human Rights Secretary of Uruguay after the latter said that “the new phenomenon of evangelical fundamentalism” is a threat to “democratic foundations”.
“We should have faith that even through broken and imperfect systems God can work His will”, says the Evangelical Alliance UK. “This is not an act of good faith”, the Church of Scotland points out.
The politician had criticised the Lutheran Church’s participation in the Helsinki LGBT Pride events. “I hope this won't lead to self-censorship among Christians”, she says.
Five Star Movement party reaches an agreement with the Democratic Party. His return will not bring any change in religious freedom issues.
Protests in Hong Kong are “more and more violent”. “Pro-Beijing and pro-democracy sides taking communion together is a declaration to the world”, a pastor says.
“As Christians today, we live in a Babylon of our own, but we can be morally distinctive and obedient to Christ”, Peter Saunders, CEO Christian Medical Fellowship, says.
Queen consents a suspension of five weeks, which could prevent attempts to block no-deal Brexit. The Archbishop of Canterbury was asked to chair a citizens forum on Brexit.
In a joint statement, the main religious groups asked the candidates to “present their ideas clearly” and establish “state policies beyond the alternation”.
The Prime Minister resigned after Matteo Salvini’s vote of no confidence. “We have seen the worsening of the quality of public discourse”, the Italian Evangelical Alliance says.
Christian charity CARE reports 445 attacks since 2016. In a letter to all political parties they call for “immediate action and a fund to help churches”.
Politicians often emphasise the sense that they will be ‘judged by history’. Jesus though, said that our ultimate accountability is to God.
A report of the ‘Observatory of Laicité’ says the right to express one’s beliefs in public is protected by “internal and international laws”. Evangelicals are the faith group with the highest percentage of practicing believers.
Representatives of the National Day of Prayer, the Evangelical Alliance and CARE express the need for churches to pray for the new leadership of a country divided by Brexit and other issues.
The Bible warns against using dishonest weights, but we have raised that to an art form.
Johnson got 66% of the votes. In his victory speech, he promised to “deliver Brexit, unite the country and defeat Jeremy Corbyn”.
The only thing the Kim family has done, says Eunman Jeon, the son of North Korean Christians, is to “change the name of God and put his own. That is the system of government of the country”.
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