The World Evangelical Alliance supports the USA National Association of Evangelicals in condemning white supremacy. “Jesus Christ has the power to break down racial barriers.”
The UN Security Council holds an emergency meeting. “Dialogue and understanding is the right and moral way forward”, says World Evangelical Alliance.
“We identify with the pain of the families”, the Spanish Evangelical Alliance says. Churches, denominations and regional evangelical bodies also express their grief.
German Christian ministry Gospel Tribe reaches out to young tourists through worship services, prayer and personal testimonies. “Jesus would have been here, He cared about people”.
20-25% of undocumented immigrants in the US are evangelicals and many of them are pillars in their churches and communities.
Jaume Llenas on the aims and motivations of the statement released by Spanish Evangelical Alliance regarding the LGBT bill that will be discussed in September in the Spanish Parliament.
There is an urgent need for Christians to seek the peace and prosperity of the whole continent of Europe at an uncertain time in its history.
He is the first swimmer to win three golds in one night. “I learn to trust what God is doing[...] God gave me the talent”, he said.
Leopoldo López and Antonio Ledezma came back to prison 2 days after an election with at least 10 people killed. USA impose sanctios to Venezuela. Evangelicals keep calling for prayer and non-violence.
Thousands of believers participated in a demonstration in the center of the Costa Rican capital under the motto #aMisHijosLosEducoYo (I educate my children).
There needs to be a radical and broad new level of commitment to common working.
PM Theresa May says gay marriage “has to be a matter for the church.” House of Commons speaker, John Bercow, says marriage equality will only exist when same-sex couples can marry in churches.
Christian MP Stephen Timms: “Carrying acid should be an offence like carrying a knife”. In 2017, more than 450 attacks were reported in London alone.
About 1,400 children and teenagers (with parents and youth leaders) asked the Swiss government to readmit nine Christian youth organisations that have been expelled from the national “Youth + Sport” programme.
The Ibero-American Congress for Life and Family writes letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs calling to protect freedom of speech. The platform unites 600 representatives from 16 countries.
The extension of the plot beyond the ecstatic falling in love of romantic comedies surprised me.
If you look at it realistically, Jesus was a very unattractive messiah to believe in. He was a peasant who lived in an obscure corner of the Roman Empire.
“The decision defies common sense”, says Peter Saunders, Chief Executive of the Christian Medical Fellowship in the UK, because it “backs abortion on demand.” 1,000 doctors signed letter rejecting the BMA’s stance.
They also found evidences of the battle between the Roman forces and the Jewish rebels, which resulted in the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.
The bill could be approved after the summer. A state agency would actively promote LGBT ideology in schools, workplaces, sport events and media. Anyone accused of discrimination will have to prove their innocence.
The development of a healthy autonomy entails a process. As parents, we can be right or wrong when it comes to educating.
LREM party, along with its MoDem allies won 350 of the 577 seats in the Parliament. Only 43% of voters cast their ballots, a record abstention.
Tim Farron had been constantly questioned for his Christian view of homosexuality. “A wiser person than me may have been able to deal with this more successfully, to have remained faithful to Christ while leading a political party in the current environment.”
The French President’s party and ally MoDem take 32,3% of vote in first round. Abstention was at a record high, with a low turnout of 48.7% .
God does not blame us for turning towards him when we do not understand something
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