About 70 people from European countries met at the Younger Leaders Gen gathering in Hungary (19-22 October) to discuss the challenges of the church in the continent and build partnerships. Photos: Evi Rodemann and Jari Sippola.
We should pause to ask what causal links can be demonstrated between the Reformation and economic growth, democratic stability, and social justice in Protestant-background countries.
It is unusual that the Council of a big Spanish city officially promotes and supports an evangelical event.
We sometimes receive strong criticism from evangelical Christians over our friendly interaction with senior Roman Catholic leaders. A response by Thomas Schirrmacher and Thomas K. Johnson.
Party ANO (Yes) won 29.6% of the vote. His fraud charges will make it difficult for Babis to find the coalition partners he needs.
The Four Seasons are portraits carefully crafted by each season’s elements, and questions our notions of the human face and the sentiments it evokes.
"Many found answers, and many have come to know the real Jesus better”, says Gerson Mercadal, coordinator of Reboot Spain, an event organised by Fundación RZ, Ravi Zacharias Ministries in Spain.
Kurz, 31, led the conservative People's Party (ÖVP) to get 31,6% of the vote, and he is expected to form a government with the far-right FPÖ.
The responsibility of the media (whether television, radio, print or digital media) is very high in an environment like the current one in Spain.
“It is in our humanitarian tradition as evangelical Christians to extend human rights to all groups, including the unborn”, says Evangelical Alliance Ireland Executive Director Nick Park.
More than 350 attended the first Wales Leadership Forum conference. Chris Street: “Current generations know very little or nothing about the Bible and who Jesus is”.
Riot police used violence to prevent the vote from happening in Barcelona and other cities. Catalan President Puigdemont asks “Europe to get involved” and says he could declare unilateral independence in the next few days.
About 160,000 Christians gathered in Kiev. Evangelicals are “grateful for the opportunity and freedom to share the Good News in Ukraine today”.
The majority of the political parties voted in favour of the Bill that could endanger religious freedom. The ruling Conservatives (PP) confirmed their abstention.
Tens of thousands protest in Barcelona while police raids Catalan government offices to stop unauthorised independence referendum. “As Spanish Evangelical Alliance, we are worried and feel pain seeing the crisis in Catalonia”.
Large report shows that only 17% of Americans are white evangelical Protestant. Baptists are the largest denomination, and most of religiously unaffiliated citizens identify as secular.
Censorship, curbs on self-expression and communications that might be considered offensive, heavy fines for expressing views that could be interpreted as degrading, and having to prove one’s innocence if accused of discrimination.
“It is very important to communicate with those we are going to defend, otherwise, we can hurt them, or put them in jeopardy”, says Hans Gravaas of the Stefanus Alliance International.
The Catalonia independence debate in Spain can easily be reduced to a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question with the answer splitting families and faith communities. How could Christians respond to such a situation?
Two eangelical leaders spoke about the meaning of Grace and the centrality of the Bible on the TVE news channel.
The Prime Minister’s right-wing coalition retains power after promising tax-cuts. Anti-immigration party will be a government ally.
The German Evangelical Alliance issues a guide for the national election and encourages churches to “seek direct dialogue” with candidates.
ADF International warns the proposed law would endanger fundamental freedoms: “We strongly encourage the Spanish Parliament to reject the bill”.
“Kim Jong Un is begging for war", U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley said. China and Russia asked for diplomatic talks with North Korea.
We talk with the General Director of Religious Affairs of Catalonia, Enric Vendrell, about the role of faith communities in society after the Barcelona terrorist attacks.
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