Our understanding of anointed ministry should be rooted in a thoroughly biblical understanding of the work and person of the Holy Spirit.
Our contemporary romantic beliefs make us long for someone who probably does not exist.
Let’s pray that Britain and her European neighbours will find a pathway for lasting reform that’s rooted in biblical revelation and wisdom.
Blessing Makwara, General Secretary of the Evangelical Community of Zimbabwe urged “all members of the Body of Christ across the globe to continue interceding for peaceful transitions”.
Ken Sande, Founder and President of Relational Wisdom 360, develops a practical systematic theology for pursuing peace and resolving the conflicts of real life.
All opposition parties claim the vote was rigged. At least 31 died in a terrorist attack on election day in Quetta.
Blackpool Transport removed promotions for the event, after social media pressure from LGBT groups. “I am not coming to preach hate, I’m here to preach about Jesus”, Graham said.
Why Christians aren't devil-worshippers.
“We love our country, we pray for our authorities, and we have no intentions against our government”, Iranian Christian Dabrina Bet Tamraz told the UN Human Rights Council.
Spanish judoka María Bernabéu won the gold medal in the -70 kilos category of the XVIII Mediterranean Games in Tarragona.
Adults generally are thinking about data and figures, but young people look at everything through a relational lens. Dave Patty, President of Josiah Venture.
Nicaraguan pastor and author Amilcar Kraudy, analyses the role of the evangelical church in deep socio-political crisis. “I believe that there is a time to pray, but there is also a time to move forward”.
López Obrador’s historic victory against the two traditional parties is seen as a call to end corruption. ES, a party lead by evangelical Christians, will use its influence as a partner of the new President to protect family values.
Four politicians of the Swiss Parliament joined the event in the centre of Bern.
The new #FoRBDefender movement stands in solidarity with people across the globe facing discrimination, oppression and violence because of their religion or belief (including non-belief).
Christians are called to “open our mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute”, says Wissam al-Saliby, the WEA Advocacy Officer for Human Rights in Geneva.
Despite losing votes, the President wins the Presidential election (52%) and gains new powers as head of government. Opposition parties such as the pro-Kurds gain seats in Parliament.
About 2,000 Anglican representatives gather in Jerusalem under the theme “Proclaiming Christ faithfully to the nations”. The movement has grown exponentially due to its commitment to the authority of the Bible.
Šárka Berankova works as a civil engineer living in Prague. She heared the gospel in Spain, the UK and Colombia. “God surrounded me with Christians, even before I knew anything about faith”.
Several Christian organisations and churches criticize the President’s “zero tolerance” crackdown on migrants crossing the border.
Paramilitary forces attacked the home of the evangelical leader with Molotov cocktails after he refused to let snipers use the building to repress anti-government protests.
Tina Tschage, on some areas in which other Christians can encourage singles.
It’s impossible to imagine the BBC producing any sort of programme that examined the origins of Islam or the Quran with anything like the severity with which Christianity or the Bible is treated.
The owners of the Christian television broadcaster from the UK say they are ready to defend their rights in the courts.
The US commits to provide security guarantees to North Korea. The situation of Christians in North Korea “did come up” during the meeting and “things will be happening”, Donald Trump said in a press conference.
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