Our relationships with those who impose sanctions and those who suffer sanctions must be shaped not by our respective authorities but by the will and calling of our Savior.
Although the government says the ban “will not impact everyday religious practice”, evangelicals warn “there are questions on the details which will require further clarity”.
The things for which we are grateful, are a helpful reminder to us in those darker moments that things can and are positive too.
Scientists and Christians currently both believe in a starting point for creation, but then diverge from there. An article by Terry Young.
The French President and the Minister of the Interior participated in the Charles Gide Circle event. Macron talked about migration and the separatism law, among other issues.
A declaration of the Committee of Evangelical Teachers in Italy (CIEI) about the Global Compact on Education promoted by Pope Francis and signed by representatives of various religions.
Evangelicals in Portugal, Germany and Italy strive to be salt and light and build bridges with society through their socio-political work.
The peaceful demonstration was often disrupted by aggressive counter-protests. Christians also denounced that “the distorted portrayal of the event by some media was sobering”.
A demonstration ends with seven people dead. “Pray that Christians shape their political engagement on the basis that we serve a God who called us to love our neighbors and enemies alike”
Only those who know they are completely powerless before God, and accept what God did for them, can be saved.
More than 40.3 million people are victims of human trafficking today. Marches aimed to denounce that “human trafficking is modern slavery”, Christian NGO A21, says.
The vitality of migrant faith does not represent the de-Christianisation of Europe but the de-Europeanisation of European Christianity.
In France, the CNEF has appointed a new President to start in June 2022, while in Germany the EKD will have elections in November to choose a new Council President and governing body.
The President of the Moroccan Christian Union explains why, although the change of government has raised expectations, many Christians remain cautious.
The new electoral code frees churches and candidates from charges of religious abuse of power that have caused many politicians to lose their mandates.
I am stepping down from my role as Director of the Jubilee Centre and stepping out to pioneer a community of reform around the whole challenge of housing.
The WEA organised a virtual event to evaluate the impact of unilateral sanctions on churches and aid organizations worldwide and gives recommendations on how to overcome it.
After ten years of Islamist government, the liberal party will have to form a new cabinet. “We are very proud political Islam came out through elections”, Christians say.
36% voted ‘no’ in the referendum. The Swiss Evangelical Alliance expresses “sadness” over an outcome that “puts desires of adults over rights of children”.
Several candidates hoping to succeed Angela Merkel have referred to their personal faith. An interview with German journalist Jonathan Steinert about the key issues of the 26 September vote.
The Italian Evangelical Alliance expresses doubts about the “disproportionate restriction of fundamental freedoms”. Two pastors on the ground also express their doubts.
Costa Rican evangelical leaders gathered to thank God for two hundred years of independent life and to pray for the country.
A resource prepared by the European Evangelical Alliance helps to think through ways in which Christians can engage responsibly with election times.
The technology-evangelists’ goal is to provide products and services that are so compelling, easy to access, and intuitive to use that we can’t help but adopt them.
The military announced a government of national unity. Guinean evangelicals ask to pray “for the unity of the church, socio-political stability and support to promote the gospel”.
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