They are ruminating animals, capable of running more than one hundred kilometres a day without eating or drinking anything. Hence they were trained in Arabia in the 13th century before Christ, as the basis of what has come to be known as the "camel civilisations".
The New Testament writers tell us that God’s honour is not something so fragile that it needs to be protected by legal restrictions.
The heavenly hope was, for Peter, no “pie in the sky when we die” – it was a real and life defining certain expectation.
Compassion should always be our over-riding motivation, and we should always offer people a way out of their situation; otherwise our words are only condemnation.
“If you’re in love, do not get married!” has reached around 20 million views on Facebook. It underlines the value of commitment beyond emotions.
It is 588 metres high and stands on the southern edge of Lower Galilee. It was a sacred mountain for the Canaanites, and then also for the Northern Israelite tribes.
The Bible Society of Egypt says devaluation of the national currency is a challenge: costs of production have increased.
When confronted with the dichotomy of ‘people’ or ‘elite’, Jesus refused to be cornered. His answers to trick questions introduced a new dimension.
‘This is the place where the Messiah chose to come, die and... return’. A video produced by Alto Concept.
Endurance is a beautiful word for an athlete, and for a Christian. God has not called us to conquer the world in five days.
I ask the Lord - who bore our griefs and pains - to erase the scars of the wounds and the pain of our Nigerian girl. And to show her that, for him and for all of us, she is a precious stone.
Theresa of Calcutta was well-known for her work among the poor but the New Testament teaches that every Christian is a saint, explains theologian José Hutter.
The challenge for us is to set aside time to worship the Lord and seek specific prophetic blessings for our children and grandchildren – and for our spiritual children.
Too many gospel presentations offer only a ticket to heaven when you die. And too many Christians are walking around with hope of comfort tied exclusively to that end of life anticipation.
Any accommodation to the idea that we are ultimately capable of saving ourselves, any accommodation to the fact that salvation is not God’s gift from beginning to end is a slippery slope towards a false gospel.
A team of local believers, along with Wycliffe Associates, has translated the New Testament. “They have endured persecution, and struggled to teach the Word in other languages.”
“In the beginning there were only blocks, and God gathered resources, made a map, and saw that it was good.” Authors are Garrett Romines and Christopher Miko.
Money is one of the tools of that centralised authority, open to all the abuses that control over its supply enables. The coin in Jesus’ hand was the perfect example of those dangers.
Did Jesus know about his trial, death and resurrection? Did it take him by surprise? Will Graham answers some questions about a week that changed the world.
A FOCL webinar by Dr. Drake Williams examines claims about false authorship of the New Testament letters and how widespread these claims are.
John Stevens, National Director of FIEC, explained in a FOCL webinar how to deal with Old Testament texts related to violence, in order to answer the apologetic questions that they raise.
The discoveries were made by the CSNTM. The oldest manuscript dates from the 7th century. More than 90 New Testament texts have been found since 2002.
There are 61 languages with complete Bibles. Readers in English, Spanish and French have many more options than those living in Eastern European countries.
Brazil is the country where more Bibles were distributed. The figures rise significantly in conflict countries like Syria and Ukraine.
The New Testament has got twenty-seven books. We’re going to resume its message in twenty-seven verses.
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