There is nothing wrong with generous hospitality but sometimes we can overdo it or be so focussed on everything being perfect that we forget the very reason we are doing it at all.
Finding the balance between safety and compassion.
The Italian politician’s worldview precludes the teachings of the good Samaritan, despising it as naïve do-goodism.
Stephen knew that the only listener that ultimately mattered was the one standing to receive him into glory.
The letter, which has belong to the University of Basel for over 100 years, provides insights into the world of the first Christians, and is older than all previously known Christian documents from Roman Egypt.
Thousands of New Testaments will be distributed this summer by volunteers at the border ports in Southern Spain.
Professor John Lennox examines the three supernatural events in the first three chapters of Acts: Jesus' ascension, the Holy Spirit's descent at Pentecost, and the healing of a lame man by the Apostles.
Both God’s love and judgement are intensified in the New Testament, says Paul Caopn, Chair of Philosophy and Ethics of Palm Beach Atlantic University (US).
Do we see that what every child brings to Jesus, whether they have additional needs or not, is enough and can be used by him?
Christ's view of sexuality was the same as that of the Old Testament.
The ring is engraved with a wine vessel surrounded by Greek letters spelling out “Pilatus”. Those rings were used to stamp official documents.
A rare copy of the first Bible to be printed in English has been auctioned. It is only the fourth copy to appear on the market since the 1970s.
The Bible shows us examples of legitimate opposition to the abuse of power by those in authority, and it is not simply limited to the subject of preaching the Gospel.
A brief defence of the deity of Christ.
The author of Ephesians makes the point that in Christ the barriers between God and humanity, and the artificial barriers that people have put up against each other are destroyed.
The fulfillment of God’s great sin-conquering, life-giving, problem-solving, Satan-defeating, promise plan was Mary’s son, baby Jesus.
The play “Memory of Ashes” recreates episodes of the life of the man who first translated the New Testament into Spanish.
What's all this fuss about the Babe of Bethlehem?
The translation will help to bring the gospel to more than 20,000 people. The New Testament is ready and the whole Bible will be finished around 2025.
How to be effective in disciple-making in the twenty-first century.
Dirk Jongkind, Research Fellow, Tyndale House, Cambridge, explains how the eyewitness accounts of the apostles and dicsciples shape the Gospels.
A short video on Colossians 2:3: “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”.
A two-minute video on the meaning of Jude 24.
What about the gospels not included in the Bible? Why were they not chosen? What do they say?
I don’t know where Fitzgerald got his inspiration for Benjamin Button, but it got me thinking about another baby who was born old.
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