Jack Hemmings, along with fellow veteran Stuart King, “wanted to use aviation for good”. They founded Mission Aviation Fellowship in 1945. The ministry still serves people in unreached places of the world.
The takes effect on 1 February. Religious communities now need at least 500 adult members to be legal. Any activity on a public place must be notified and may be banned.
Western agencies must reskill to become effective intercultural facilitators, connecting people, skills, and resources behind Majority World strategies for mission.
As the church in Germany and in the West in general struggles with secularisation and decline, Lausanne reminded me: the Church is alive and vibrant.
In an event in Madrid, evangelicals celebrated four decades of uninterrupted broadcasting of the evangelical programme on national television RTVE.
A new survey shows that most countries see Donald Trump with good eyes. Evangelical Focus asked analysts why Europe has become so isolated and what it means for relationships between evangelical Christians on a global level.
God's intra-Trinitarian love overflowed for us, at the creation of all things, for our salvation, and to accompany the Church in its efforts to bear witness.
Around 2,000 young adult Christians from 75 countries celebrated New Year together in Poland. The movement focusing on mission in the old continent emphasises the need to “prepare the way” for revival.
TWR broadcasts 16 programs each week over shortwave radio to encourage believers in North Korea.
Letting the next generation step up.
May the church begin to present an emotionally intelligent community, who is able to weather the intricacies of human experience, choice, and seasons of belief.
George Lawrence’s great-granddaughter, Christina, visited the new building of the evangelical Hospital of Barcelona, an institution that her ancestor helped to found. We took the opportunity to chat with her.
Many young people attend the annual Graduates Bible Groups gathering in Cullera. Topics discussed included personal evangelism, conflict resolution, sexuality, and how to age well. A report by Marta Cabañas.
Stars have always made humans think of eternal things and of transcendence. Like the Psalmist, we gaze into the clear night sky and marvel at all the stars, being overwhelmed by the unfathomable size of the cosmos.
If we are open to hear the voice of the global Church, to receive its help, and to serve it; then Europe still has a key part to play in the evangelisation of the earth.
The new government has pledged to preserve religious freedom and minority rights, but Jesus followers are taking a wait-and-see approach.
A gathering of ministry and church leaders in Madrid, highlights the adaptation process that is taking place within the Spanish evangelical sphere.
The church needs the move of the Holy Spirit more than ever, to bring greater unity and collaboration of churches and mission organizations to fulfil the Great Commission.
God does not act on whims or take things lightly. There is a very deliberate effort to vividly and indelibly impress His true calling upon the church.
Let us ‘seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness’ (Matt 6:33) and we will be satisfied to sacrifice our lives to see it manifest.
We must abandon the habit of trying to replicate our denomination in a different culture. We should strive to recapture the spirit of the early church, by identifying solely with Jesus.
TWR’s national partner in Indonesia reaches the Sundanese through FM radio broadcasts, audio players and listener groups.
Are we seeing the dawn of thinking machines? And what does this mean for mission, for Christianity, and the world?
There is no lack of mission-related passages in the New Testament; far from it. These are particular passages that provide a significant emphasis.
The 17th edition of the Italian GBU (IFES) National Study Conference gathered around 250 young people under the theme “Living and Engaging with Islam”.
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