Around 200 bookshops participate in this initiative “to promote the discovery of the Bible”, through animation and a Bible study online, among other resources.
More than 15 authors attempt to “dismantle the mythology surrounding the family” in a monograph in ‘MicroMega’ journal. The Christian worldview, on the contrary, shows how the original plan can be restored.
The topic stimulated a broad comparison between the various positions and experiences in our country and beyond.
We are living through the waning and final phase of Pope Francis, and the topic of the future is not just an abstract exercise.
The 7th edition of the Month of the Bible mobilises over 200 bookshops to “put the Bible in the spotlight” under the theme “When Bible and sport team up”.
Over 200 bookshops and other organisations take part in a project to raise interest in the Bible.
There has been a growing awareness of the need for a journal that could serve Spanish-speaking regions, such as Latin America, Spain, and Equatorial Guinea.
A new narrative will be required as missionaries return to the new ‘normal’; narratives that define the shape of God’s mission in Europe.
The time of crisis is inevitably also a time of opportunity for reconciliation, mediation and a new start.
The church is God’s agent of reconciliation. It will seek for ways to reconcile the people with God and with one another and lead them into God’s kingdom.
Covid-19 exposes the stark inequalities of our world as it wreaks havoc most on those for whom lockdown means no money and no food and who don’t have access to the basics of clean water and soap let alone a garden or park.
As Christians in today’s culture, we need to have an awareness of the competing gods of digital Babylon. If we actively serve the gods of Europe, we may in the end find ourselves not worshiping the God of the Universe.
As evangelicals in Europe, we need intentionally to integrate media engagement in our discipleship and mission strategies and practices.
Discipleship would have us know and learn with our minds, hearts and souls.
“We hope that one day soon our society can learn to accept people's differences and different points of view”, said White Magazine owners.
Germans value honesty, readiness to help and kindness, according to the magazine.
Joanne Appleton talks about nominalism with three attendees at the Lausanne Rome consultation: Tim Grass, Jaume Llenas and Olof Edsinger.
Twice-monthly social events are held for between 80-150 people, sometimes even more. The asylum seekers and refugees cook meals from their own countries, with occasional British cuisine.
Communications technology, changes culture. And just as the printing press, the telegraph, radio, and television have done, so the internet is changing our culture. And at lightning speed.
Sabbath is designed not only to make us more efficient and fruitful in our work, but more fundamentally to challenge our obsession with efficiency and with productivity.
Ferry, like so many, does not seriously consider Christianity’s truth claims; he simply does not believe.
Having thrown off a religious sensibility, our death-haunted culture needs to squeeze every last drop of experience out of our limited existences, before it all slips away.
It’s impossible to imagine the BBC producing any sort of programme that examined the origins of Islam or the Quran with anything like the severity with which Christianity or the Bible is treated.
Water is, biblically, a precious blessing from God. It is a gift, not a right. And wasting it, misusing it, failing daily to be grateful for it, are sins against God, neighbour and creation.
The government says that Sweden is “amongst the least religious countries in the world”.
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