Guatemala is the country with the highest percentage of evangelicals in Latin America. However, it has one of the highest rates of inequality, violence and corruption.
Florence’s initiative in “The Bookshop” brings about a small revolution. As everyone knows, reading is a dangerous activity.
The Jewish singer-songwriter from Brooklyn, Neil Diamond, has waited until his 77th birthday to reveal that he suffers from Parkinson’s disease.
Music cannot be “Christian”, only people can take up the cross of Christ and follow him.
“It only takes ten seconds to crush a man’s
This is not the story of a great man, but the story of a great God, who deeply loves miserable and tormented creatures like this monk.
The fulfillment of God’s great sin-conquering, life-giving, problem-solving, Satan-defeating, promise plan was Mary’s son, baby Jesus.
- ‘My kids and I used to make dens in their bedrooms with sheets and things. We made up this whole new world, full of adventures… ‘
A Spanish TV documentary will tell the story of Jose Rabadan, who murdered his parents and sister. He is rehabilitated now, and is a member of an evangelical church. “Showing that there is hope is part of the reintegration”.
Stories about lost children explore our greatest fears. The big TV revelation this summer was an impressive Argentinean series produced by HBO called The Bronze Garden.
When we are young we think that we are going to live forever. Death is something that we never talk about.
It is unusual that the Council of a big Spanish city officially promotes and supports an evangelical event.
In search of authenticity (5). Schaeffer taught me how to mourn for the world, instead of judging it. He was a man of God who served as a prophet for his generation, which he understood so well.
Any information that we have today of the existence of Spanish sixteenth century reformers we owe to a faceless man, Luis de Usoz (1805–1865).
In search of authenticity (4): Schaeffer was looking for the human contact that might reopen the discussion that the debate had closed.
Do we have any long-term vision for our own lives, for our family, for our church, for our city, for our country?
The story of “A High Wind in Jamaica” (Richard Hughes, 1929) might sound like a comedy, but it is in fact a drama of great cruelty, capable of making the skin of most insensitive readers crawl.
Two eangelical leaders spoke about the meaning of Grace and the centrality of the Bible on the TVE news channel.
At leas 14 people have died and many areas are left "barely habitable." Irma has been downgraded to a category four, but officials warn that it remains "extremely dangerous".
His work is a model of Biblical balance, in the best meaning of the word.
In search of authenticity (3): Francis Schaeffer’s interest was not so much to win arguments, but to win people.
The first of a series of articles on Schaeffer’s legacy and on the challenge he still poses to the world today.
The concern of the artist is to penetrate psychologically in the scenes of Old and New Testament.
God will use for good what Satan means for evil. He works on a different schedule.
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