In an event in Madrid, evangelicals celebrated four decades of uninterrupted broadcasting of the evangelical programme on national television RTVE.
A Christian must be willing to sacrifice his or her life for Christ and His Kingdom, but not for the whims of the ruler of the day and his delusions of a ‘holy nation’ with its supposed ‘historic mission’.
Why did the angels play such a central role in the birth of Jesus? Some answers according to the Bible.
What effect the experience that led to the song Why Me, Lord? had is unknown, but Kris never wanted to identify himself as an evangelical musician.
Gospel-rich media is sowing seeds in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a place where faith and ethnic identity are delicately intertwined.
German theologian J. Hutter analyses his theology from an evangelical perspective: “Moltmann's emphasis on experience and reason leads to a dilution of biblical teaching”.
The work of Pedro Tarquis and Pablo Martínez as founders of Spanish news website Protestante Digital was awarded in Madrid.
We are finally witnessing a complex and adult work, which cannot be reduced to the simplistic schemes to which victimhood seems to have condemned us lately.
David Fincher's film showed us the reality of life in a broken world, where we can neither be known, nor fully forgiven. Only supernatural work will do that.
As we grow older, we find ourselves sick with nostalgia. Dissatisfied with the life we have, we wonder what would have been if our circumstances were different.
Hans Simon was the Lutheran pastor of the Zionskirche. He wore a turtleneck jumper and always had a pipe in his hand. The Stasi spied on his every move.
To a generation that is starving for human connection, the greatest gift the church can offer is relationship.
As we preach Christmas, lets think about tapping into the reality of that first Christmas, and to look toward Jesus and all that He means.
Joseph and Mary face the stigma of sin because the child was Jesus, the One who would save His people from their sin, Immanuel, God with us.
Through fantasy, Lewis is showing what the Christian faith has always taught: that with God there is never room for despair.
“It is important to build bridges to society, to show the biblical response, and to be heard”, said the coordinator of the working group on Women of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance.
The future of the building is uncertain, it needs a 870,000 euros renovation. The site “represents the living memory of a Europe immersed in a cruel war”, says a historian.
Benedict XVI died at the end of 2022, but on July 1st, his shadow receded further from the Vatican.
Ordine, who recently passed away, stresses the importance of acquiring education and knowledge as an end in itself and not just as a means of material enrichment.
As the leader of the self-proclaimed Good News International Church movement goes on trial, the national Evangelical Alliance condemns the tragedy and calls for legal action.
Ratzinger was concerned that Luther’s interpretation of the Christian ministry as mainly characterized by preaching, prayer, and pastoral care ware becoming widespread in Catholic circles.
The emerging evangelical movement was one of the most active driving forces in mobilising Spanish society against slavery in Cuba and Puerto Rico.
A hundred people attended the Decision 2023 Summit, to reflect on how to bring the gospel message amidst the Spanish secular culture.
Despite his being “conservative” and “traditional,” his was a well-rounded Roman Catholic orthodoxy that had no place for the “five solas” of evangelical faith.
She is known for her addiction to tranquillizers, her marriage to DiMaggio and to the playwright Authur Miller, her tardiness, her unhappy childhood and her insecurity in front of the cameras.
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