Will Graham caught up with Todd Friel to talk ministry, evangelism, repentance and much more.
A brief explanation of the five solas of Protestantism.
“Many atheists are beginning to see that their loud, aggressive attitude is not working”, says Mathematics Prof. John Lennox in an interview with Evangelical Focus. “We need to spend time to get to know Scripture at beyond a kind of Sunday school class level”.
“Interdependence is a Christian principle, it’s good to learn from what is happening across Europe”, says video artist John Lumgair.
New atheism, the definition of "faith", Christianity in Europe, the role of the Bible in mission, and the need to listen more. An exclusive interview recorded at "Forum Apologética" (Tarragona, Spain) in May 2016.
As I have listened in person to the prayer requests from persecuted Christians, two themes have caught my ear. The first is the fear that they will be forgotten or abandoned by other Christians.
In Revelation 13, we have a description of what a state or a government can become when everything goes wrong. A state can become a devouring beast, destroying everything in its path, and especially attacking Christians with demonic hatred.
An analysis of the 1541 Colloquy of Regensburg.
More than 700 participants at the European Leadership Forum conference in Poland. Networks, seminaries and plenary sessions gave biblical perspectives on current issues. John Piper: “Prayer is central, the world does not need more Christians with powerless ministries”.
What was the Protestant Reformation all about?
The gospel and Europe. More than 700 participants from across Europe share their experiences and get quality training during the 2016 European Leadership Forum.
Should we talk about the ‘Protestant Reformation’ or the ‘Protestant Reformations’?
A closer look at Heinrich Bullinger, Theodore Beza, Thomas Cranmer, William Perkins and Conrad Grebel.
A closer look at Philip Melanchthon, Matthias Flacius, Martin Bucer, John Knox and William Farel.
How Protestantism recovered the soul-enriching doctrine of double imputation.
How John Owen can help us steer clear from the danger of apostasy.
The loss of ethical meaning in public, civil communities feeds religious extremism. People will search for meaning, sometimes leading to life, sometimes leading to death.
John Stevens, National Director of FIEC, explained in a FOCL webinar how to deal with Old Testament texts related to violence, in order to answer the apologetic questions that they raise.
UK scientists allowed to genetically modify embryos. Christian scientists Antonio Cruz and John Wyatt warn against this kind of research.
Will Graham gives us ten reasons why he is a Protestant.
Here we have the two real champions of the Protestant faith: Martin Luther and John Calvin. How can we differentiate between them? What are the differences between the two?
Extremist violence, the rise of anti-Semitism in Western Europe,and blasphemy and apostasy laws, are the biggest threats for religious freedom worldwide.
Wes Craven, who recently passed away, was brought up in a strict Baptist church. He received a Christian education, which he rebelled against in his youth.
Do we only see laws and borders that need to be enforced, or do we also try to follow a higher humanitarian law that stands above national laws and borders?
The invitation-only congress brings together hundreds of evangelical Christian leaders from across Europe for specialised training, mentoring, resource sharing, and networking.
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