About 110 people from 35 countries analysed the impact of the gospel in the European student context. Os Guiness, John Lennox, Lindsay Brown, Rebecca Manley Pippert and Michael Green shared at the FEUER gathering.
Let the Reformation continue… yes, but let it continue in the gospel terms of Scripture alone and Faith alone.
The 2013 document, signed by the Lutheran World Federation and the Roman Catholic Church in preparation for the 2017 Reformation anniversary, indicates the goal of an ecumenical trajectory for the two church bodies.
The rapid growth of popular Protestantism has heightened the concerns of the Roman Catholic hierarchies in this region of the world.
A response by Leonardo De Chirico and Greg Pritchard to articles written by Thomas Schirrmacher and Thomas K. Johnson.
We sometimes receive strong criticism from evangelical Christians over our friendly interaction with senior Roman Catholic leaders. A response by Thomas Schirrmacher and Thomas K. Johnson.
Although it is hard to believe, only a very small portion of evangelicals have actually read them. Here are number 1, number number 27, number 36, and seven more.
It is easy to deconstruct other points of view but what about your own views?
The Nashville Statement says the approval of homosexual practice and transgenderism is “an essential departure from Christian faithfulness and witness”.
The film is called ‘Heavensquest: A Pilgrim's Progress’. “We're trying to break new ground in the faith-based genre”, director Matt Bilen said.
PM Theresa May says gay marriage “has to be a matter for the church.” House of Commons speaker, John Bercow, says marriage equality will only exist when same-sex couples can marry in churches.
God will use for good what Satan means for evil. He works on a different schedule.
Lindsay Brown closed the European Leadership Forum in Poland challenging participants to recover the centrality of the gospel and strengthen the mission of carrying the message of Christ to the ends of the Earth.
About 800 participants will travel to Poland to take part in specialised networks. John Lennox will be the main Bible teacher during the annual gathering, which aims to strengthen God’s mission in European countries.
The President of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, Angus Menuge, explains what AI is, its limits and the enduring differences between artificial and human intelligence.
Around 200 people read the Bible publicly in Madrid’s Main Square, a place where “heretics”, followers of the Reformation, were condemned.
A closer look at the doctrine of election.
The Christian narrative leaves us remarkably healed from fear and free to enjoy the delights of this world and long for the eternal ones.
The secret of forgiveness is not what we do but what God has already done.
First and foremost, a Christian vote is a vote for others.
John Piper: “Donald Trump’s immoral behavior in the past, and his ongoing unwillingness to renounce it as evil, show that he is morally unfit to lead our nation.”
How to prepare an expository sermon.
We are totally vulnerable before him, whether we know it or not, he knows us.
John Bunyan’s 15 tips on how to know if you’ve been called to preach.
“Our identity is in Christ”, said synchronized diving medallists Boudia and Johnson. “I'm in the sport to show people I find my happiness with what God's given me”, gold medal swimmer Caeleb Dressel declared.
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