We talk to Salvador Martí, a Christian police officer and creator of a safeguardind workshop for children.
There are thousands of policy influencers in the Brussels Bubble. It could definitely do with some Biblical truth and wisdom. Thank God we are not alone in this, but it can still feel quite overwhelming at times.
Sometimes we need to risk sticking our heads out over the parapet to look beyond our own church, organisation, neighbourhood or nation.
The trial against the Christian parliamentarian charged with “ethnic agitation” against homosexuals will start in January.
The government party drives the conversation about abolition. Evangelicals hope such a law will move forward, but demand a deeper social change.
The law is expected to be passed in the next weeks. Evangelical churches express their total opposition.
The Lausanne Europe Online Gathering was the first major Lausanne conference in Europe since the original congress called by Billy Graham in Lausanne Switzerland in 1974.
Lars Dahle emphasizes the significance of the Lausanne Movement as a convener of key people to meet, talk and think together as well as listen to one another.
“Those who are already stuck on either side of the border must receive urgent and adequate humanitarian aid”, says the evangelical body as it appeals to “Europe's Judaeo-Christian values of human dignity, justice, compassion and solidarity”.
An OSCE report shows that graffiti, vandalism and arson attacks against churches are some of the more common crimes. There are 70% more cases reported than in 2019.
“Those seeking refuge need to be included in community life so that love, not fear, will win”, says Welcome Churches. Anglicans deny correlation between conversions and asylum applications.
The four-day LE20/21 will address the big questions of how evangelical churches can meet the challenge of bringing the dynamic gospel to an increasingly secular European continent.
German IT engineers are mounting lights, cameras, and computers in Southampton. Some 1,100 evangelical leaders from 40 countries are ready to join online.
Attending church services will still be allowed for those who are not vaccinated. The Austrian Evangelical Alliance admits that there are “different points of view” among evangelicals.
Missiologist Jim Memory analyses the main trends in church and society. He will be one of the speakers at this week’s Lausanne Europe 20/21 gathering.
The local leadership of the library together with local evangelicals had trained nearly 5 library workers and 40 volunteers from different churches of the city.
The meeting of the Spanish evangelical youth leaders brought together over 100 participants to strengthen ties and reflect on the challenges of youth ministry.
A thousand church and mission leaders from some forty countries will meet next week to think and pray together and seek a way forward for mission in Europe.
“Surrogacy should not be authorised or legalised”, says the evangelical entity, which denounces that “it attacks women and children human rights”.
The crimes of around 3,000 priests since the 1950s were identified in an independent report published one month ago.
The President of Westphalia Church is the second woman to chair the EKD in its history. The 14 members of the EKD Council for the next 6 years were also elected.
Public theology informs the faith community when moving beyond personal discipleship and church life into the public square.
Vista co-editor Jo Appleton, interviews Harvey Kwiyani, CEO of Global Connections, the UK Network for World Mission who recently joined the Vista editorial team.
The embassy invited the leaders of the Swiss Evangelical Alliance and the Association of Free Churches. The US will soon release its list of countries of particular concern.
Madrid hosted the presentation of the first complete Bible in the language spoken by around 200,000 people in Spain, translated from the original languages.
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