It is time, if you haven’t already, to add the ongoing suffering of Armenians to your prayer and action list.
According to data presented by the Kyiv-based Institute for Religious Freedom, almost 500 religious sites have been damaged in the first year of the war.
The reality of living with war means that with no electricity, heating or water in their apartments and constant explosions nearby, many families are taking shelter in a basement in the city of Toretsk.
“The ‘loverboy’ method is used to manipulate future victims”, says Anca Luhas. She works in Romania with eLiberare to raise awareness among young people and train frontline workers in detecting sex trafficking situations.
More than 23,000 visitors visited the ship operated by OM teams. Watch the video report.
In 2021, a philosopher and evangelical pastor said in a TV debate the change would show “an unprecedented ethical selfishness” fruit of a “sick society”.
Disciple making is the explicit lens by which we can view the life and ministry of Jesus. An article by Wes Watkins.
The shared view of Russia as a lasting potential threat made CEE countries sympathise with Ukraine, especially since 2014. An article by Rafał Piekarski and Barbora Filipová.
Looking anew into our disabilities deepens our relationship with God and exposes us to His might. An article by Abed Zien El Dien.
In Europe, we have become used to the arrival of asylum seekers and refugees, most notably when some 2 million people fleeing the conflicts in Syria and Afghanistan. Yet the Ukraine migration crisis has been different.
The church had been searched by military personnel of the Russian-backed authorities. Relatives and church members have not received answers.
After becoming a Christian, he started smuggling Bibles into Eastern Europe. He died at the age of 94 in his home country Netherlands.
Patriarch Kirill defends Putin in what he calls a “fratricidal war”. Meanwhile, tens of thousands continue to leave Russia to avoid military mobilisation.
Seeing issues from the perspective of brothers and sisters from a different culture or social class is vital.
European leaders denounce “a parody of democracy”, NATO speaks of “dangerous escalation”, and the United Nations General Assembly seeks dialogue-based solutions.
Eastern countries have the highest rates in Europe. Pioneer plans to prevent suicide are started in countries like Spain, where the incidence has been growing among young women.
The parliament prepares a law to abandon the UN Human Rights Committee. The latest decision condemned violations against a Pentecostal pastor.
We travelled nearly 7,000 km, through 15 nations with either a Muslim, Orthodox, Catholic or atheistic background. We encountered 9 currencies, 17 border crossings, and met 205 people.
The evangelical Ylli Doci is the chairman of the Interreligious Council of Albania. But why does the Albanian Evangelical Alliance commit time to this interreligious work?
The labour, the many donations and also the setbacks do not seem to have been in vain. A small Baptist union with less than 14,000 members is able to own this true gem.
The missionary vision of William Fetler led to starting the first Bible School in Riga. You can see this vision woven into the architecture of the fully renovated old building.
Both Ukrainian and Russian mothers have turned to magic and the occult and bought amulets, protection letters, special icons, to stave off evil forces and protect their sons fighting in the war.
Over 500 representatives of evangelical churches and organisations in Europe attend the European Leadership Forum conference in Poland. A pastor from Kyiv shared details about the response of Christians during the invasion.
Though fellowship among youth is important, it falls flat if it is not a consequence of developing a strong and loving personal relationships with Christ. By Jad Tabet.
A modern live musical with current pop songs that tells the Easter story was performed in the centre of the German city of Essen and broadcast nationwide on TV.
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