The average age of marriage has risen to 28. “Society and churches prepare people for the wedding, but not for marriage”, says a pastor from Cluj-Napoca. Hypersexualisation and uncertainty about the future do not help either.
In the midst of war, it is humbling to be reminded that the Creator of the universe is personally interested in each of us, and that His love for us is beyond our understanding.
I hope that Christian church organizations will seriously address the issue of pastoral care and radically stop the obvious abuse of power by “spirit hunters”.
A first-hand account of visiting church plants, heroes of faith in a Muslim context, and pioneering work among women, children, and ex-drug addicts.
For Lebanese followers of Christ, the call to peacemaking is not just a moral ideal and an expression of our love for God, but also a necessity for the survival of a diverse nation.
On 5 October, evangelicals from many churches gathered in Burgas for the seventh National Day of Prayer. The initiative drew attention to the importance of collective intercession as a force for spiritual transformation and societal renewal.
The new law allows judges to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which has links with the Moscow Patriarchate and is officially headed by the Patriarch Kirill.
The places of worship offer rest areas, information on cycle routes and devotions, pastoral care and church tours.
Many churches who shifted to a more “missional” posture , simply added missional programs, without recalibrating the church in light of our incarnational Head: Jesus.
The secretary general of the Russian Evangelical Alliance, Vitaly Vlasenko, calls for peace, reconciliation and an end to the war.
The church member faces up to 10 years in jail for giving “knowingly false information” about the Russian armed forces. The Russian-imposed authorities say their aim is to “halt the work of religious sects”.
Wisla in Poland was a hustle and bustle of conversations fostered by the extensive programme of the European Leadership Forum conference. These were the highlights from our point of view.
The risen Jesus is both impressively powerful, and intimately present in the church today. We need not despair at what we see around us.
What are the spiritual and theological characteristics of the Russian-speaking diaspora and what explains their tendency to form their own congregations?
Are we living out the teachings of Jesus in a way that reflects love and compassion? Are we willing to challenge the status quo and make necessary changes before it is too late?
I thank God for the many men and women whom He uses to provoke us to live a thoughtful, faithful, and obedient life.
The resurrection of Jesus is the climax of the Big Story, the turning point that has shaped European history and continues to reshape world history.
This Easter let’s celebrate all that the Resurrection of Jesus means for us, not only in our anticipation of the future, but also in our experience in the present.
I propose you to read, listen, contemplate the passion and death of Jesus through a different and incomparable medium: Johann Sebastian Bach’s music.
The importance of the Epistle to the Hebrews lies in the fact that it describes the deep significance of the historical facts concerning the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Despite the controversies and the censorship in many countries, Mel Gibson’s masterwork from 2004 continues to be very popular across the world.
In seven brief utterances, Jesus proclaimed the most profound sermon that has ever been preached, a beautiful synopsis of the gospel.
Evangelical churches in Romania and Croatia remain connected to those who emigrate. Christians are encouraged to have a missional mindset and to hold on to their Christian values as they start a new life in Western Europe.
We are invited to identify with the perfect One hanging on that cross, for in that act He was most wondrously identifying with us.
Philip House is a soulful house founded on a life story, love for people and faith in God. People with cancer, who come to Cluj-Napoca (Romania) for treatment, find not only a place to stay, but also a place to rest for the soul. A report produced by Alfa Omega TV.
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