This Easter let’s celebrate all that the Resurrection of Jesus means for us, not only in our anticipation of the future, but also in our experience in the present.
I propose you to read, listen, contemplate the passion and death of Jesus through a different and incomparable medium: Johann Sebastian Bach’s music.
The importance of the Epistle to the Hebrews lies in the fact that it describes the deep significance of the historical facts concerning the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Despite the controversies and the censorship in many countries, Mel Gibson’s masterwork from 2004 continues to be very popular across the world.
In seven brief utterances, Jesus proclaimed the most profound sermon that has ever been preached, a beautiful synopsis of the gospel.
Evangelical churches in Romania and Croatia remain connected to those who emigrate. Christians are encouraged to have a missional mindset and to hold on to their Christian values as they start a new life in Western Europe.
We are invited to identify with the perfect One hanging on that cross, for in that act He was most wondrously identifying with us.
Philip House is a soulful house founded on a life story, love for people and faith in God. People with cancer, who come to Cluj-Napoca (Romania) for treatment, find not only a place to stay, but also a place to rest for the soul. A report produced by Alfa Omega TV.
The war has caused 5 million refugees since the Russian invasion began on 24 February 2022. Organisations such as GAiN and LIO have sent dozens of aid trucks and are working with Christian partners on the ground.
As the two-year anniversary of Putin’s ‘special operation’ in Ukraine approaches, we can be tempted to be discouraged and feel our prayers are not being heard.
I have visited the region several times and have been surprised each time by the vitality of the small but growing evangelical circles among the Caucasians.
Olga is a survivor. The first time she escaped death was before she was even born. She was a Chernobyl baby, later a war refugee.
Peace does not necessarily come as a top-down pronouncement from those in power, but can show up through ministry.
Europe is polycentric, not only on the cultural but also on the spiritual and religious level.
Let’s continue to examine our desires to do mission, explore other ways people use to serve, listen more to each other and enjoy the mission together.
For 20 years, Open Arms Outreach has been serving children and other vulnerable people in a region with much poverty. The vision is to plant churches that serve as community centres.
The Open Arms Outreach initiative in the deprived Romanian area of Calarasi, has been working for 20 years now. It reaches children and other vulnerable people, and wants every church to be a community centre.
VUSH, the country’s Evangelical Alliance, held its General Assembly. Over 190 churches and organisations are among its members.
I am alarmed at the number of soundbites that promote intolerance, all in the name of freedom of speech.
A Belarusian court upholds liquidation of the New Life Church, for failing to re-register and allegedly “spread propaganda of war”.
Pastor Vyacheslav Goncharenko of New Life Church will be detained for at least 10 days, as trial begins against congregation for spreading “extremist material”.
In September, MAI-Europe organises an event for Christian authors and content creators in the Balkans. Anna Shirochenskaya explains why it is important to strive for excellence in writing.
Christ offers us a purposefulness that transcends the banality of life we experience as exploited consumer-producers and gives us a role as agents of His Kingdom. By Jad Tabet.
Dzmitry Dashkevich was re-arrested as he was ready to leave prison. He has not been able to meet his youngest child, born while he was awaiting trial.
Evicted from its church building in February 2021, banned from meeting for worship in the church car park, Minsk's New Life Pentecostal Church has now seen its building bulldozed.
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