Imagining a post-virus landscape and its effects on missions. By R. McLeod and D. Taylor.
When it comes to the decisions needed in a world gripped by a pandemic, is there anywhere in the scriptures which casts a more nuanced light?
Mursilis was unsure if the storm god was indeed the reason for the plague that happened between 1350-1325 BCE. He panicked because libations and offerings were about to cease.
David Glass, Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at Ulster University (Northern Ireland) analyses whether a computer can have emotions or a conscious experience.
His Bible expositions were adorned by familiar illustrations taken from everyday life. Deceptively simple in appearance, they concealed a vast erudition and deep understanding of Scripture.
The dynamics of global collaboration among Christians are changing. Not only Skype, Whatsapp and Zoom are used frequently, but also smaller, more specific tools are of great use in specific mission contexts.
What if young people were on church committees? asks David Hilborn, Principal of St John's College (UK).
James’ favourite song for me to sing with him is “Jesus loves me, this I know”.
According to a ComRes survey, only 46% of those who identify with the Christian faith believe in the Easter message. The poll also quizzed people on their views around forgiveness.
Evaluating the effectiveness of virtual discipleship.
David Hilborn, Principal, St. John's College, explains how has the Reformation view of justification led to social and political reforms.
Charles David Kelley, painter and president of Bridge Builders International, examines the convergence of art, culture, and faith from a Biblical perspective.
Around 200 evangelists from 40 countries met to share resources and experience for the proclamation of the gospel in European universities.
As with any addiction, the brain always wants more, harder, more intense. Saying that one can actually change the likings of the enormous mass of consumers towards a kind of porn that is non-violent and non-sexist, is a lie.
The influence of the Bible on political thought, speech and action is unparalleled, and has provided the foundations for modernity upon which has been built the liberal democracy that we enjoy in the West today.
King David and the dangers of church growth.
The number of Britons who identify as Church of England has halved in fifteen years. Only 2% of those aged 18-24 identify with it.
“We want to get away from a default setting that just assumes everyone is Christian”, said opponents. “The importance of religious beliefs should not be underestimated”, the Church of Scotland pointed out.
The narrative is straightforward. They are the victims. They have been damaged by ‘conservative theology’ and they are going to change us evangelicals so that we accept their position.
Water is, biblically, a precious blessing from God. It is a gift, not a right. And wasting it, misusing it, failing daily to be grateful for it, are sins against God, neighbour and creation.
Delta David Gier, Conductor and Music Director, on some of the dangers for artists.
Constantly watching others can make us lose sight of our own goals.
“Somewhere in the French psyche, there is this idea that we are not sinful”, says pastor David Brown.
Eight in ten say parents should have access to the content of Relationships and Sex Education classes before it is taught in schools. “The role of the state should be limited”, the EAUK says.
Remembering the Dutch reformer, Hendrik de Cock.
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