A church leader speaks about the opportunities and challenges after the fall of the government. “All my friends have actively participated in the protests and all of us have the same hopes for our country”.
Rationalism and its corresponding Protestant theology, Higher Criticism (or Historical Criticism), have created a theological and spiritual desert condemning European Protestantism to complete irrelevance.
The Forum of Young Christian Entrepreneurs gathered 500 people in its second edition. Mgliwè Simdinatome leads a movement to equip young Christians as they start their first business projects.
The simple fact that people struggle to read books is the first factor, but there are some other hurdles, says Simon Lennox of Bible Study Fellowship.
In the referendum, 66% voted in favor of repealing the Eighth Amendment. Evangelicals and other groups of society will continue to defend the protection of unborn children as a Human Rights issue.
The same people who admire you now criticise you later, because they only want “the best”.
Both past and future can overwhelm the present.
The goalkeeper of Real Madrid hopes to win his third Champions League on Saturday. “Christ gives me wisdom to keep my feet on the ground and be humble in moments of blessing and happiness”.
Fighting self-deception and corruption.
The annual gathering brought prople from across Europe to Wisla (Poland). To unite, equip and resource evangelicals is one of the aims of the European Leadership Forum conference.
We not only come to faith at the foot of the cross, but we also become mature in its shadow.
Five stories of migrants and their neighbours in the Netherlands.
Peter Saunders, CEO of the Christian Medical Fellowship (UK) summarises>the philosophical framework that made the transgender movement so popular.
Experts agree that the summit between North Korea and the United States will not bring advances in the religious freedom of the country.
We should always put God first if we think that something goes against His word.
Moses learnt that, as Hudson Taylor was fond of saying, God’s work done in God’s way never lacks God’s supply.
Life’s treasures come from someone who shed his riches for us, someone who does not charge interest if we can’t pay Him back.
The group left the Episcopal Church Brazil because of its “revisionist theology” and has been welcomed into the global conservative movement Gafcon.
Delta David Gier, Conductor and Music Director, on some of the dangers for artists.
Two are Protestant and one is Catholic. A family of six, including three children, carried out the synchronised attack. They had travelled to Syria to be trained by Daesh, authorities say.
We've become used to letting others, ourselves, and even God down.
Spending time with God influences and puts into perspective my way of looking at things.
The families of the victims say they were abducted by Muslims who wanted to convert them to Islam and marry them. These abductions have become a recurring phenomenon in Egypt.
At the 2018 Apologetics Forum in Comarruga (Spain), Michael Ramsden, Pablo Martinez, Ruth Valerio and José de Segovia analysed how society and the Bible approach the issues of personal identity, integrity, sexuality, pop culture, and environmental care.
The sensationalist zeal of some writers and self-proclaimed experts in eschatology is as big as their incapacity to get it right.
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