They are accused of “propaganda activities against the system and in favor of Zionist Christianity through holding house meetings, evangelism, and invitation to Christianity”.
Morrison is the first Australian Prime Minister to openly define himself as evangelical Christian. He is a member of the Pentecostal Horizon Church in South Sydney.
The purpose of the atoning work of the Son of God.
“The Catholic Church made the huge mistake of becoming so identified with Irish culture that it was left behind when culture changed”, says Ireland Evangelical Alliance Director Nick Park.
The 2019 Forum’s morning Bible teacher will be Ramez Atallah. Over 850 participants are expected to attend the conference in Poland.
Post-Christian Europe needs followers of Jesus who understand that the Gospel is powerful in itself. We should not hold onto the privileges of old religious structures.
I’ve finally come across the term that wraps my mind around the nuanced social reality I see in Europe.
Author Bruce Little: “We have moved from a sense of responsibility to ‘my personal rights’”.
In all we do as Christians in Nepal we must now not be afraid but act wisely.
We are first and foremost relational beings and the quality of our relationships matters to God.
An interview with Lars Dahle, member of the steering group of the Lausanne Movement 2018 Global Consultation on Nominal Christianity.
The government is hunting down evangelicals who welcomed an Ethiopian Pentecostal pastor. Christians had hoped the historic peace agreement with the neighbouring country would lead to more freedom.
Chaos broke out in a metro train in Valencia when passengers confused a group of preachers with terrorists. The nine Germans have been released on bail.
A team of young people from a local church clean burnt properties “removing items, carrying wood and offering a hope of restoration”.
We have forgotten that we belong to God and not to ourselves.
That trip felt like a cautionary tale: like a chance to look back to a phase like one day I’ll look back to the whole of my life.
How to be a young person according to God's Heart.
According to the IOM, 60,309 migrants and refugees have entered Europe by sea in 2018. “I think that Spain reacted in a very positive way. But it cannot go on this way”, the EU Immigration Commission said.
There were 38 votes against the Bill, 31 in favor, and 2 abstentions. The Bill cannot be presented again this year, but it will be a key issue in the 2019 presidential election campaign.
A Sunday New York Times report detailed new allegations by Hybels’ former executive assistant. Lead teaching pastor Steve Carter also resigned on Sunday.
Churches and its Christians would do well to simply follow the example of Jesus Christ and his approach to power and to those isolated or excluded by it.
“We want to get away from a default setting that just assumes everyone is Christian”, said opponents. “The importance of religious beliefs should not be underestimated”, the Church of Scotland pointed out.
Lessons from the rise, fall, and repentance of Sierra Leone.
Christian ethnic minorities have long suffered in Burma, where the government has recognized the special status of Buddhism.
The participants of the 4th annual bicycle ride "Velopiligrim" went across Belarus sharing their faith and visiting local churches.
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