According to World Watch List, released today by Open Doors International, 4,305 people died in 2018 because of their Christian faith. Christian persecution has drastically increased.
“We want everyone to know that there are people here who believe in God and trust His Word”. More than 10 denominations got together to read the Bible.
An interview with Julia Doxat-Purser, the socio-political representative of the European Evangelical Alliance. “Our main working style in Brussels is behind the scenes and face to face influence, in personal conversations with the people who are shaping the ideas”.
An interview with the socio-political representative of the European Evangelical Alliance about how evangelical Christians work at the heart of the European Union.
The gospel is one beggar telling another where to find food.
The German manager of Liverpool FC: “To be a believer, but not to want to talk about it - I do not know how it would work!”
As followers of Jesus, we are called to positive cultural engagement. This must begin with assessing where we ourselves are adopting these narratives uncritically, and going on to evaluate them in a constructive way.
Jan Wolsheimer (Director of Missie Nederland) analyses the controversy surrounding a document on homosexuality signed by many evangelical pastors. “Dutch Christians are not very keen to import culture wars from the US”.
“Today I am far from my family, my wife, and my two daughters, without work or home”, he said. “Such is the lot of a Muslim who converts to Christianity in Algeria today”.
Jerry Root compares the search for meaning of C.S. Lewis with Saint Augustine's reflections.
Around 250 Protestant leaders of the Netherlands, including pastors and politicians, signed the document on marriage and sexuality. Pro-LGBT groups denounced it.
Whenever God breaks into the world, there is an adverse reaction from the ruling powers.
The Director General for Prison Affairs announced that ‘Ahok’ will be released on January 24, four months ahead of schedule, by virtue of good conduct.
There is no replacement to the discipline of reading a good book and/or going through deep soul-searching while looking at a painted masterpiece.
Most Mozambicans say they are Christian, but in rural areas, it’s not hard to find evidence of shamanism and ethnic rites.
The UK government has ordered a review “to map Christian persecution worldwide, and make recommendations on the practical steps it can take to support those under threat”.
Jim Cecy, Senior Pastor, Campus Bible Church, answers the question Why is a defense of the reliability of the Bible important?
Hundreds of Hong Kong worshippers attended church services on December 23 and 30 dressed in black, “to pray for both the persecuted and persecutors”.
Binding up the brokenhearted.
“Until my Lord provides us a building, we will continue serving the Lord. It is fine even if we do not have shelter, we will not stop worshipping Him. We are ready to die for Christ”, a pastor in the Tamil Nadu state says.
God's omnipotence and goodness are shown in the way bad things can be made into good.
A visible unity would make our voice more effective and credible? This is not so obvious as it might seem at first sight.
Area Buddhists had told Christian families to leave village.
Nearly one in every five of all pregnancies in the UK ends with a termination. In Spain, 10% of all women between 15 and 44 have aborted.
The signs could be seen in bus stops, public billboards and other places around the Argentinian capital city.
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