The law is expected to be passed in the next weeks. Evangelical churches express their total opposition.
Public theology informs the faith community when moving beyond personal discipleship and church life into the public square.
The draft law is being debated in House of Lords. “Any change would threaten society’s ability to safeguard vulnerable patients from abuse”, doctors say.
The killing of Conservative MP Sir David Amess “has been declared as a terrorist incident”, said the Metropolitan's Counter Terrorism Command. A suspect is being interrogated.
A recent survey shows that 43.2% of the Honduran population identify themselves as evangelical Christians. 38.2% are Roman catholics.
The Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Church said it is a “minimum estimate” and warns that there could be up to 10,000 victims.
“Abortion should never be a human right”, one speaker said. Counter-protests organised by far-left groups tried to disrupt the march in both countries.
Whoever is elected, the next pope will unlikely be an “evangelical” if the word “evangelical” retains its doctrinal and historical meaning.
Although no longer monumental and certainly not monolithic, Thomism is still “substantial” for Roman Catholicism, representing its main theological backbone.
Evangelicals, Catholics, Jews, Muslims and Orthodoxs, issue a joint statement warning about the increase of “gratuitous attacks” and an increasing misunderstanding of the limits of freedom of speech.
After more than three decades of work, the Bible in this language spoken by around 200,000 people in the north of Spain is a reality. “We want it to be the reference text in both the ecclesiastical and civil spheres”.
The nurses were accused of “defiling the Koran”. A Muslim co-worker attacked one of them with a knife.
A Pew Research survey shows that 47% of religiously unaffiliated adults have experienced any form of online harassment. It happens most among those under the age of 30.
Traditionalist Catholics in San Cristobal (Mexico) destroyed the houses of 5 evangelical families and arrested two believers.
Is it possible to define Roman Catholicism? We are addressing Roman Catholicism as a system from an evangelical viewpoint.
“All Brothers” shows that the mission that Pope Francis has in mind is not the preaching of the Gospel in words and deeds, but the extension to all of a message of universal fraternity.
The agreement will be extended for 2 years. “It does not address all the open questions that still concern the church, but just the topic of episcopal appointments”, The Holy See admits.
The involvement of James I. Packer with the Evangelicals and Catholics Together initiative has puzzled many of his admirers.
Christian churches have offered their facilities to be used as as an emergency centers to treat victims.
The latest EKD report shows that Sunday attendance reached a new low: only 3.2% of the members went to church services. Baptisms, weddings and funerals also dropped.
According to a CID Gallup survey, 44% of Salvadorans identify as evangelical, and 38% as Catholic. “In just one generation, the Catholic Church has lost 17% of its members”.
The task force, which has come to light more than six years after the Supreme Court forced its constitution, has already drawn criticism.
“Faith shows that there is more than the current situation”, Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder, said during the “Germany prays together” online event.
A survey shows that women have more existential questions than men, while Protestants and Catholics are the ones who think more about the meaning of life.
The Pope is offering an outpouring of indulgences. The message that Roman Catholicism is giving in these weeks of coronavirus crisis is a disarming detachment from the basic principles of the biblical faith.
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